Forty Six

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Alex finally came out of the shower, only to walk into his room and sit beside Avi on the bed. 

He kept his head hung low, but Avi could still tell that he'd been crying. 

Avi put a hand on his back. "Alex, I'm sure you did just fine. You always underestimate yourself and--"

"But this is different." Alex responded softly.

Avi took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "Okay, fine. Then... What can I do? Can I get you some kind of unhealthy something from the store..? Or send Mitch in here to talk to you, if he hasn't already left yet?"

Alex just shrugged. "I kinda wanna take a nap."

"Okay, that's fine. I'll put that stupid Wizard movie on, and we can nap. Okay?"

Alex pouted a little, glancing over at him. "It's not stupid... It's iconic."

Avi smiled a little, and then leaned over to kiss Alex's cheek. "If you say so. Go put some sweats on, and I'll get everything set up."

Alex stood up to do so, letting the towel fall from his waist when he approached his dresser.

Avi couldn't help but stare, as he waited for the television to turn on. He sighed loudly. "Hey, Lex..?"

"No, Avi."

"I didn't even ask--"

"No, but I know what you're gonna ask me, and the answer is no."

Avi frowned a little, turning to the television again to find the movie. "But why not? You look so good right now."

Alex just shook his head as he slid underwear on over his hips. "Not in the mood."

Avi pouted again, selecting the movie and waiting for it to play. "Well that's no fun."

Alex didn't answer that time, now sliding his dark blue sweatpants on.


Scott walked around the car to open it for Mitch, grinning widely. "I'm really glad we agreed on this place."

"We didn't agree." Mitch giggled a little as he jumped down from Scott's tall car. "You just let me boss you into it."

"Yeah maybe, but I don't regret it."

Mitch giggled again, holding Scott's hand as they walked through the parking lot. "So... Question."


"Can I pay tonight?"

"Why do you always ask me that?"

"Because it's not fair that you have to pay all the time."

"Mitch, I'm offering to pay."

"Okay, then... Offer declined. I wanna pay."

"I thought I told you to leave your money at home?"

"You did... But I didn't."

Scott sighed, and shook his head. "Fine. But if it goes over thirty, I'm paying."

Mitch reached over to pull on Scott's fancy button up shirt. "Remember where we are? It's gonna be over thirty for sure. So.. How about forty? If it's over forty, you can pay the extra."

"If that'll make you happy, then fine."

Mitch smiled widely. "It will make me very happy, thank you."

Scott just shook his head, and reached out to open the door to the restaurant to hold it for Mitch.

A hostess was waiting for them with a bright smile, and as she walked to seat them, she turned to compliment Mitch's sweater. 

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