Ninety Eight

468 43 1

Avi let go of Mitch's hand as they walked into the house. 

Mitch took his bag off and headed to his room so he could toss it on the ground. He took off his jacket, throwing it onto his bed, followed by his shirt. 

He wandered over to the closet and found one of Scott's sweatshirts tossed onto the ground. He picked it up to smell it, before putting it on. 

Avi had closed and locked the front door behind himself. As he wandered toward Alex's room, he heard Alex talking to Scott in the room. 

He knocked on the door once, even though it was slightly open, and then peeked inside. "Everything alright in here?"

Scott's eyes went from Mitch's face, down to his sweatshirt, and back again. "Come sit with us, baby." He rested a hand on where they were sitting at the edge of the bed.

Mitch walked into the room, but rather than sitting beside Scott, he walked over to stand between Scott's legs to push them apart enough for him to sit on one of Scott's thighs. 

Scott's arm snaked around Mitch's waist to keep him steady. "As I was saying, Xander. I just think it's silly for you to suddenly forget that this is a key part of Avi's personality."

"I didn't forget." Alex looked down at his knees. "I'm just tired of feeling like this."

Mitch frowned. "Like what?" He hissed suddenly, as Scott's hand slipped under Mitch's shirt. "Babe, your hands are cold."

Alex didn't look at him. "Like... Like he only loves me half as much as I love him." He sighed, almost in a relieved way, like that statement had been taking up a ton of space inside him.

Mitch frowned at him. "I won't try to patronize you, honey. I'm sorry you feel that way."

Alex shook his head. "I just put so much energy into things and I hate... I don't know. I can't blame him if he doesn't.. Y'know? If I'm not good enough that's not his fault."

Scott huffed. "Oh please. That's fuckin' dumb." He patted Mitch's hip a few times. "Baby, get up, I gotta go get Avi."

Alex held a hand out. "Wait, no. I'm not ready yet, I have to practice the conversation like a dozen more times."

Mitch frowned at him. "Oh honey..."

Avi suddenly knocked on the door, peeking in just like Mitch had. "Hey."

Alex flinched at the sight of him, but stood from where he was sitting. "Hey, um..." He glanced at Mitch, before looking back. "Can I buy you a coffee?"

Avi stared at him for a second. "Sure... You taking me out on a date? I thought you were pissed about something."

Alex stepped forward to take one of Avi's hands. "Yeah, I'm taking you out."

Scott stood up, helping Mitch get his feet on the ground. "Mitch and I can get dinner going while you guys are out."

Mitch nodded once. "Do I even bother texting Kirstie to see if she'll be home for dinner?" He asked flatly.

Scott kissed the side of his head, not wanting him to give up on her because he knew how much Mitch cared for her. "Of course, baby. We want her to always know that we're here."

Mitch sighed, and pulled his phone out to do so. 

Alex let go of Avi's hand to walk away from him, and toward the closet. "I'm just gonna change my jeans and then we can go."

Scott put a hand on Mitch's back to lead him out of the room, receiving that hint very quickly. 

Avi shut the door behind them. "We gonna talk about this before we go? Or no?"

Alex was already stepping out of his pants, changing into some black jeans instead. "That's the point of the coffee, honey."

Avi stepped forward suddenly, turning Alex around by his belt loops. He held eye contact for a moment, before moving Alex's hands out of his way to zip up his jeans for him. "Are you mad at me?"

"Seems unfair to ask me that when your hands are--"

Avi buttoned the top of his pants, and then quickly removed his hands. "Sorry, not my intention. Was trying to be cute, not manipulative."

Alex frowned as he stared at Avi. It was just so unfair, how much he loved Avi. And it really hurt that Avi didn't quite feel the same. 

"Oops, I lost you somewhere." Avi noticed him zoning out. He grinned and reached out to grab Alex's hand again. "If we're gonna argue in public, can I wear one of your uniforms?"

"Why would you do that..?"

"You think I'm adorable. Might make it harder to yell at me."

Alex looked down at his feet. It made him sad that Avi thought he would yell at him. "Have I ever yelled at you?" He asked softly. 

Avi took a second to really think about that. "Guess not. There's a first time for everything though."


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