Hundred Twenty Eight

507 46 4

Avi stopped walking in front of their front door. 

He turned to grin at Alex. "Hey, thanks for all that.. I had a really good time. And I know it's gonna continue on when we go inside, but... Still."

Alex couldn't help himself, and leaned forward to kiss him briefly. He pulled away to grin. "You're welcome, honey. I'm glad we've figured out a way to spend time with each other."

"Yeah, but if you ditch class like you did today, I'll be very upset." Avi reminded him. 

Alex continued to smile, turning to put his key in the door to open it. "Mhmm."

"I'm serious."

"I know." Alex opened the door, immediately smelling food being made in the kitchen.

Avi followed him in, closing and locking the door behind himself. 

Alex set his keys down on the table, and headed toward the kitchen to get out the back door. 

Avi followed him, but gently grabbed his wrist to turn him around before he got there. "Hey, wait." He pulled his hand away quickly. "Oop-- Sorry."

"It's okay." Alex gave him a reassuring smile. 

Avi just stepped forward, reaching out to fix the top two buttons on Alex's nice shirt before anybody else saw him that way. "Sorry."

"I'll probably change into something else, I just wanted to see what they'd set up." Alex offered. 

"I know, but.. Still." Avi then gave him a light shove, and followed him into the backyard. 

Scott and Mitch were already there, Mitch sitting on Scott's lap and leaning into his chest. 

Scott's hand was running up and down Mitch's back, and he grinned when the others walked out. "Hey."

Avi gave him a nod, but Alex's face absolutely lit up. "Oh wow!"

Mitch spoke to Alex, returning his smile. "Hey, Al. You two look really nice."

Alex just nodded. "I'm so excited, oh my God, I'm gonna go change really quick."

He turned to rush away, and Avi watched him go. 

Avi then turned back to the other two. "Did you guys figure out something for dinner? I almost asked if I should order something for you guys, but I forgot."

Mitch spoke for the two of them. "We did. But thank you."

Avi nodded once. "I'm gonna go grab my sweatpants, but I'll be right back. Can I grab anything?"

Scott spoke up quickly. "Another beer? If you don't mind."

Avi nodded once, and turned to go. 

When he walked into his bedroom, he closed the door behind himself. 

Alex was already there, having slipped into a pair of jeans, and taken his shirt off. 

Avi walked toward one of his underwear drawers, assuming he left his sweats in there. 

Alex walked into the bathroom to grab his deodorant. "It was nice of them to set that up."

"For sure." 

Alex came out of the bathroom smelling strongly of Old Spice, and he walked over to the closet to find a comfortable shirt. 

Avi slid his sweatpants up to his hips, and then stood beside Alex to scan the closet with him. 

Alex turned to scan him once. "Nice."


"I love those sweatpants."

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