Forty Eight

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When Alex woke up from his nap, his movie was still playing on the screen. 

At some point during his nap, he'd turned over to lay on his side. Which had invited Avi to spoon him, with his arm over Alex's waist. 

Alex blinked himself awake a little, and then turned to lay on his back so he could look at Avi. "Hey... How long was I out for..?"

"Less than an hour." Avi hummed. "Are you sure you got enough sleep?"

"I think... I don't know." Alex rubbed at once of his eyes, just before he yawned and covered his mouth with his hand. 

Avi could only grin at him, slipping his hand underneath Alex's shirt. "You're literally so cute."

Alex met his eyes again. "Yeah? You think so?"

"I really do. So... Now that you've had a nap. Will you please talk to me about what happened today? You keep telling me that it went badly, but... Tell me a little more?"

"I just... Didn't do as well as I should have. And I got nervous, which only made me do worse..."

"Aw... Lex, I'm sure you did just fine. You're so hard on yourself..." Avi frowned a little. "When do you find out if you made it or not?"

"They post a list of the numbers that made it later today. I was twenty four."

"They gave you numbers..?"

"Yeah. Made us write them on our thighs and upper arms so when we did something notably good or bad they could refer to us by number on their paper things. I washed it off when I got home though."

"Ooh... That must've been cool. I love your thighs so much... They're literally like my second favorite part of your body."

"Yeah? What's the first?"

"Your ass, obviously."

Alex rolled his eyes and looked away. "Why did I even ask?"

Avi chuckled a little. "Don't be silly, I was kidding."

Alex shook his head and turned over to face Avi, before he closed his eyes again to fall back asleep. "Wake me up in thirty."

"No, don't leave me again."

"Leave..?" Alex opened his eyes again. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I know, but I wanna hang out with you and I can't if you're asleep."

"Oh, sorry." Alex looked at him and smiled a little. "Then let's hang out. What do you wanna talk about?"

"I don't know... I know you don't wanna talk about the try out, so. When do you start school?"

"Next week I think? I have to ask Mitchie."

"Do you know your classes at all?"

"Yeah, I have a paper." Alex sat up a little. "Do you wanna see it?"

"Maybe later. Just... Stay here for a bit." He gestured toward the television in their room. "Your movie is still on, babe."


Kirstie wasn't home when Scott and Mitch came back. 

But they didn't even need to ask, because they knew she was out with Kyle. 

Mitch walked over to carefully sit down on the bed. "Scottie, can you get me a water..? The green one, please."

Scott instantly went to do so, throwing the door closed as he shoved his keys in his pocket.

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