Twelve (XX)

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I'm sure this is self explanatory. Got a little smut for you. Though it is optional, and I won't be offended I promise xD


Once the others had cleared out, Scott only took about four seconds to grab a condom and then sit on the couch with a hopeful look on his face.

Mitch giggled at him, and walked over slowly. "I can't believe you."

"Why's that?"

"You just had all of our friends clear out so we could--"

"We could do it while they're here if you weren't so loud. Not really my fault. Remember that one time--?"

"If you bring up Vegas for the 100th time, I'm never sleeping with you again."

"Now, would that be a punishment for me or for you?"

Mitch gasped at him. "You're literally the worst."

"Am I? You think so?" Scott leaned toward him. "Why don't you come on over here, my love?"

Mitch walked the rest of the way, now standing in front of Scott on the couch. He raised an eyebrow, to which Scott responded by pulling Mitch's pants down slightly, having to unbutton them as well. 

Mitch just watched. "What are you doing? Gonna try to earn my forgiveness, or..?"

"The goal is, and always has been, to make you come harder than you ever have, babe." Scott slowly slid Mitch's underwear down too. "Think you can handle it?"

Mitch didn't like his tone, and Scott knew better than to give Mitch any attitude. So Mitch smacked Scott's hands away from him, and grabbed the back of Scott's head to fill his mouth without asking. 

Scott instantly grabbed at Mitch's thighs, shutting his eyes as he concentrated on his gag reflex.

Mitch smirked at this, and slowly began to move his hips away from Scott, only to rock forward again. 

Scott allowed it, and after a few moments, let his hands fall from Mitch's thighs to hold them behind his back. He knew Mitch liked seeing that. 

Scott stared up at Mitch as he took all that was given to him, Mitch pulling out of his mouth a few times to let him breathe, and then filling his mouth again. 

Mitch worked him until Scott's chest was heaving from trying to breathe, as Mitch would occasionally pinch Scott's nose shut for a few seconds before granting him oxygen again. 

Scott took it all without a single complaint or even a gag, as sweat began to bead around his hairline from the exertion.

Mitch pulled out again, to grab Scott's chin and lean down to kiss him once, Scott breathing heavily still. Mitch stood up tall again. "Good boy."

Scott waited for instruction, unsure who was calling the shots this time.

Mitch waved him up though. "Well come on. Do you want your dick sucked or not?" Scott was still breathing a little too heavily for Mitch's liking though, so he put a hand out. "Wait, stay there actually."

Mitch then dropped to his knees, and worked on pulling Scott's pants from his hips. He quickly did the same with Scott's underwear, leaving it all in a pile on the floor. 

Mitch stood up only to push on Scott's arms until he was gripping the back of the couch tightly. Mitch pointed at him. "Your hands stay there, okay?"

Scott nodded absentmindedly, mouth hanging open as he caught his breath, chest still heaving.

Mitch dropped back down, pushing Scott's knees apart so he could have enough access to get Scott in his mouth.

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