Ninety One

870 75 16

Scott took advantage of his moment, when he opened Mitch's door with Mitch still asleep in his seat. 

Scott grinned widely, and reached in to slide his arm under Mitch's knees and put a hand on one of his shoulders to pull him out of his seat. 

Mitch woke up about halfway there, but allowed Scott to hold him and carry him inside the house. 

Alex was a step ahead of him, holding the door open with a grin. He turned his head to speak into the house. "Kirstie babe, we're home."

She walked out of the kitchen, and headed toward his voice. "Oh my God, is that the love of my life?"

Alex waited for Scott to walk in, and then he rushed toward her. "Where are you? I need a damn hug."

Scott grinned at the two of them, pausing just for a moment before he walked toward he and Mitch's bedroom. 

Mitch pretended to sleep, as Scott gently lay Mitch down on their bed. 

Mitch opened his eyes slowly. "Did you honestly carry me all the way here?"

Scott shrugged, leaning down to kiss Mitch's forehead once. "Sorry, I was hoping you'd sleep longer... Didn't mean to wake you up."

Mitch reached up to place a hand on Scott's chin, running his thumb over Scott's bottom lip. "At least I had something pretty to wake up to."

Scott rolled his eyes and leaned away. "You just had to ruin the moment with that sappy shit."

Avi carried in their bags, and walked in to set them on the floor. "Got your stuff." He quickly walked out to head to his own room. 

Alex was already in there, having said hello to Kirstie. He was laying flat on his back on the bed, arms above his head and pulling his shirt up just enough to show off his lower stomach. 

Avi placed he and Alex's bag on the floor, and calmly walked over to where Alex was laying. He couldn't help but place both hands on what skin he could see peeking out from Alex's shirt. 

Alex stared at him. "Can I help you?"

"Nope." Avi grinned down at him, and then moved his hands just to lean down and press a kiss to the lower part of Alex's stomach. "Just don't get any dirty ideas."

Alex scoffed, reaching down to push Avi's head away from him. "You wish."

Avi put his hands back onto Alex's stomach, before sliding them down onto Alex's thighs. "You always look the best in jeans, it's so unfair."

Alex squinted at him. "I'm surprised you even noticed; you're always trying so hard to get me out of them."

Kirstie suddenly appeared in the doorway, knocking on the door once. "Hey, sorry to interrupt. Allie, I made your tea if you wanted it?"

Alex sat up quickly, gently pushing Avi away by the shoulders. "Yes please. Is it out in the kitchen?"

She nodded once. "I can bring it down here if you want though? I just didn't know what you wanted me to put in it."

Alex looked at Avi, silently asking if it was okay that he'd just interrupted their time together.

Avi stood up a little taller and stepped away. "I'm gonna grab a shower, Lex. Feel free to do whatever."

Kirstie smiled at them, and then walked back toward the kitchen.


Alex spent the afternoon talking with Kirstie, drinking their tea as Kirstie sat on one of the kitchen counters. 

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