Fifty Nine

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(A/N) For those of who who've seen Rent, I need to know your thoughts xD


Scott was leaning against the door frame, listening to Kirstie and Alex have a conversation, while Avi walked Kyle out to his car and gave him a quick rundown of what he'd told Kirstie. 

Mitch walked up behind him, and just as he placed his hand on Scott's lower back, Scott brought his phone up to his ear and nearly hit Mitch in the face. 

Scott turned sideways to face him, whispering quickly. "Shit, sorry."

Mitch waved him off, giving him an unaffected smile so he'd know it was okay. 

Scott then spoke into the phone. "Uh, hi? Who is this?"

Mitch giggled a little, because of how characteristic it was for Scott to forget to put someone's name in his phone when he took down their number. 

Scott rolled his eyes though. "Oh. Hey Bella... Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better, thanks." 

Scott couldn't help but stare at Mitch, only because Mitch was staring at him too. 

Scott hummed in response to whatever Bella was saying. "Sure, yeah... Another time." He paused for a few seconds. "I'll come over whenever, just as long as I get to bring Mitch."

Mitch scoffed at him. "Subtle."

Scott shrugged at him before talking into the phone again. "Yeah, we'll talk soon." He hung up very abruptly.

Mitch watched him do so, and then gave him a smile. "So? What'd she want?"

Scott just sighed at him, and turned to walk out of the room to give Kirstie and Alex the privacy they once had. 

Mitch followed, of course. Mitch grabbed for Scott's wrist, and then slid down to hold his hand. "Hey, don't walk away from me. Did I say something wrong..?"

Scott turned quickly to gently pull Mitch against him, their torsos pressed together. "Baby, calm down. You didn't say anything, I was just trying not to talk to loud around Alex and Kirstie. They're workin' out their issues."

"Oh, oh... Right. Sorry about that. I just thought you got pissed at me all of a sudden... You can be kinda short tempered sometimes."

"I know... It's okay though. It's not like you do it on purpose. However, if I may suggest that you tell me where we're going before you start walking away, so I don't have to wonder if you're pissed at me."

Scott nodded quickly. "Yes, of course. I'm sorry. Um.. Anyhow. Bella invited us to another thing, um... If you want to go."

"Yeah, maybe. Just... Can I tell you something?"

"You know the answer to that."

"Yeah, I know... Never hurts to ask though." Mitch looked down at Scott's feet. "So, um... Bella's friend... Angela? She did this thing, that really freaked me out, um..."

"What was it? Was she rude to you..?" Scott suddenly looked disgusted. "Oh no... Did she try to kiss you?"

"No, nothing like that. But... When we first met them..? She knew my name."

"Well yeah we said hi and--"

"No, no. You told Bella your name, and then Angela asked me if mine was Mitch. But I have no idea how she knew. I thought... Maybe you'd said something? But I don't think you did."

"No, I don't think I did either. How could she have known that?"

"I don't know. I just... I hadn't thought about it until we were leaving the party. Because... She knew my last name too. But I don't think I've ever met her before in my life."

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