Ninety Five

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Avi finally walked down the hall. 

He spoke without addressing his mother. "Mitch, Alex? Would you guys mind going down the hall for a few minutes?"

Scott stood along with them, his hand still in Mitch's. 

Avi waved a hand at him though. "You gotta stay, Hoying."

Alex tried not to make a big deal about it, knowing Avi was often a very private person and preferred having personal conversations in small groups. 

Mitch followed him down the hall, and into Alex's room. 

Alex gave him a smile, walking toward his closet. "I'm gonna change out of this sweaty stuff, if you don't mind a strip tease."

Mitch laughed loudly, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Tease away. I don't mind at all."

Alex grinned and pulled his shirt off to grab a different one. "I'd kill for a shower right now, but I don't wanna miss out on any time with Avi's mom."

"I getcha."

Alex left his shirt and his shorts in a pile on the floor, walking into the bathroom to change his underwear quickly without giving Mitch an eyeful.

Mitch was on his phone when Alex walked back out, but Mitch glanced up quickly. "Damn, you look good."

Alex glanced down, as if he forgot or something. "Oh, thanks. We do lots of practice without shirts on, so I'm finally getting the tan I always wanted."

"Damn... I should start showing up to supervise."

Alex giggled bashfully. "I mean, if you wanna."

"So what happened to my strip tease? You just gonna stand over there, all blushy and awkward?"

"I'm genuinely unsure what you want me to do."

Scott suddenly walked into the room, but slapped a hand over his eyes when he saw Alex. "Shit-- Sorry."

Alex looked over quickly. "No, no, come in. Sorry, I was getting changed."

Scott closed the door behind himself, and moved to sit by Mitch. "Sorry about... Yeah. Avi and his mom are talking about some stuff that I don't think I should be listening to."

Alex stood with his back to them, rifling through his closet in search of sweatpants. 

Scott glanced at him, unable to help it, before sliding his hand down the inside of Mitch's thigh. 

Mitch was still looking at Alex though. "Ugh, I can't get over how good you look, Lex. You've been workin' hard."

"Thanks, Mitchie." Alex bent slightly to slip sweatpants on, pulling them up to his hip bones. "Nice of you to say that."

Mitch faced Scott with a grin. "So? Is she gonna stick around for dinner?"

"I think so. Avi's been bragging about Alex's cooking, so I think she's hoping to experience a little of that."

Alex turned quickly. "Oh shit... I don't think I'm ready to cook for someone that important to me."

Mitch was overwhelmed with wanting to make sure Alex knew how absolutely fine he was. "Christ, Alex, warn me before you turn around like that. You look so fucking good, Avi must be losing his mind over you."

Alex crossed his arms over his stomach. "Mitchie, I love you. But you're not making me feel less stressed out about having to cook for Avi's mother."

"Well maybe Avi needs to come down here and relax you or something. Because Jesus damn, you look fine as Hell."

Scott suddenly spoke, his hand on Mitch's leg squeezing slightly. "I am feeling very out of shape right now."

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