Twenty One

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Mitch had been sitting in Alex's room for about twenty minutes now, still trying to figure out what to do for he and Scott's date.

Alex was mainly just trying to keep him calm, because Mitch was thinking way too hard about it all.

Dinner was going to be just fine.

But Mitch also wondered if they should do something before or after. Like go see a movie or.. Bowling. Just, something to give the date more substance.

But Alex had assured him that going to dinner could stand on its own just fine.

Alex then helped Mitch figure out which restaurant he wanted, so they could call in a reservation.

Which was a great idea, of course. But it meant that Mitch needed to actually decide on which restaurant to go to.

And at the same time, he still needed to shower and get ready for the date.

Mitch finally decided he'd ask Avi, and told Alex to wait for a moment as he did so.

When Mitch reached the door of Alex's room, Scott poked his head in. "Oh, hey babe."

Mitch actually jumped, because he'd been thinking so hard that he wasn't aware of his surroundings. "Hi."

Scott gave him a smile, and Mitch knew exactly what he was going to ask before he even spoke because of the lazy way in which Scott's hair was hanging into his face. "I was gonna go shower, and didn't want you to feel left out..."

Mitch quickly shook his head. "I'm kinda busy, Scott."

Scott's smile fell, only slightly, as he leaned away so Mitch could walk past him. "Please, though? I'll help you with whatever you're doing afterward."

"But I--"

Alex was suddenly beside him, giving a reassuring look. "I'll go ask Avi, and let you know what he says. Okay?"

Mitch glanced back at him. "Oh, sweetie, you don't have to do that."

"It's no problem, Mitch. You wanted to shower anyway, so.."

As Alex walked by, Scott took Mitch's wrist gently in his hand and gave him light pull. "Lucky me." He hummed lowly.

Mitch immediately pulled his arm away and gave Scott a raised eyebrow. "No funny business, Hoying. We're just showering, you understand?"


"I'm serious. If you so much as touch my ass, we're showering respectively."

Scott pouted a little. "Not even--?"

"Not at all. Not once. Copy?"


Listen. It wasn't Mitch's fault, okay? 

Scott stared getting hands-y, and Mitch tried to stop him. But because Scott acts like a child, he just kept pushing it. 

Mitch had pushed him away, so he could wash his hair without Scott breathing on his neck. 

But even then Scott only listened for a few seconds, and then he was behind Mitch again with his hands covering Mitch's hipbones. 

Mitch hissed at him. "I said no touching, Scott. What part of that escapes your understanding?"

"All of it. It contradicts what you usually say to me when were both naked, so... You can't blame my muscle memory."

Mitch rolled his eyes. "Okay well tell your muscles that it ain't happenin'. Not today."

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