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Mitch woke up first the next morning, and actually wanted to laugh at the sight of Scott.

He'd sprawled himself across the entire bed, besides the corner that Mitch was on, head buried in a pillow with the blanket pulled up to cover the entirety of him.

Mitch lifted the blanket to peek at Scott's face, but was only met with the mess of blonde hair on his head.

Mitch leaned down to press a kiss to Scott's shoulder, before grinning to himself.

Scott groaned softly, mostly muffled because of the pillow. 

"You don't have to get up, it's okay. I just need to pee. Didn't mean to wake you up."

Scott groaned again. "Pee fast."

"Yeah, I'll try." Mitch giggled, before running his hand up and down Scott's back, underneath the covers. "Want me to grab you anything while I'm up? Maybe some water or pills for that hangover?"

"Not really hungover, just... Water would be nice."

"No problem. Back in a sec." Mitch hopped up, walking to the bathroom first. He peed, and made sure he looked cute while he was washing his hands, peeking underneath his large sweatshirt to make sure he'd ended up in nice underwear. 

Mitch then skipped out of the bathroom, feeling more confident because he liked his attire, as he rushed to the kitchen. 

He then walked back down the hall and set the water on the bedside table before he climbed back in to lay beside Scott. "Honey, I grabbed--" He stopped, noticing how deep Scott's breathing was. 

Mitch smiled, running a hand through Scott's hair fondly. 

Scott didn't stir this time, and Mitch didn't want him to. Mitch simply cuddled up to him, and closed his eyes again.


Alex was making breakfast when Avi waltzed in, eyeing him up and down immediately. "Mornin', gorgeous."

Alex glanced over, immediately letting a blush stain his cheeks. "Morning... How are you feeling?"

"Fine. You?"

"I'm alright." Alex was quickly reminded of the sweatpants riding low on his hips when Avi tightly gripped one of his hip bones. 

"Are you sore at all?" Avi hummed softly, hoping not to embarrass him but also really wanting to know. 

"No... You were very careful." Alex's blush deepened. "Thank you."

Avi kissed one of his cheeks, before patting his back loudly and walking away. "What are you making?"


Kirstie suddenly ran down the hall, her hair up in a large bun. "I smell pancakes!"

Alex giggled at her childish behavior, looking over her fondly. 

Kirstie hurried over to sit beside Avi, wide smile on her face. "I had so much fun last night."

Alex could tell by the look on Avi's face that he was nowhere near awake enough to handle Kirstie's personality, so while they spoke to each other, he turned to pour Avi a cup of coffee.

Avi was too lost in Kirstie's speech to notice, but when Alex walked over and set the cup in front of him as well as giving his forehead a kiss, Avi felt his heart swoon. 

He completely tuned Kirstie out as he watched Alex walk back to the kitchen and carry on with what he was doing. 

Avi then turned to her again to resume listening, and she completely hadn't noticed him zoning out, which he was very grateful for.


When Scott woke up again, Mitch was cuddled up to him texting somebody, hardly making any noise at all. 

Scott paused just to observe him, appreciating how adorable he truly was, before he turned over to face him. 

Mitch looked up quickly. "Morning, sunshine. Feeling better?"


Mitch could hear the raspy undertone of his voice, so he turned to grab the glass of water and carefully hand it over. 

"Thanks, babe." Scott mumbled, taking a quick sip. "How about you? How do you feel?"

"Good. Didn't drink as much as the rest of you I don't think... But you and Avi hold alcohol really well, so I could be wrong."

Scott chuckled a little, turning to set the cup down on his own bedside table. "Do we have time for a few more cuddly minutes before starting the day?"

"Of course. You're still my birthday boy."

Scott grinned, sliding his arm to rest over Mitch's hip. "Who're you texting?"

"Kevin. Wanted to see how he's doing."

"Mind if I read over that convo later? I'm kinda curious too."

Mitch leaned forward to peck Scott's lips once. "Don't mind at all, honey." He set his phone down behind his head on his pillow, just to get impossibly closer to Scott. "Had a good birthday?"

"An amazing one... Hope everyone else had fun too..."

"Of course they did, baby." Mitch mused, running his fingertips up and down Scott's upper arm. 

Scott stared into his eyes, smiling at him. "Good... Glad to hear it. And you had fun too?"

"Of course, babe. Such a fun night. Everyone was so happy for you."

"That's because they were drunk."

Mitch rolled his eyes. "To be fair, you were pretty drunk too."

"I know... Sorry about that. Hope I wasn't annoying."

"You weren't. I mean.. Besides the little sexual thing, but other than--"

"What sexual thing?" Scott looked alarmed, eyes more focused now. "Mitch, did I do something..?"

Now, the kind thing to do here would be to tell him the truth so he wouldn't have to worry. But considering Mitch likes to push his buttons to see how much of a gentleman he can be... "I mean... Kinda. But it's okay."

"It's not okay. Tell me what happened. What did I do? Mitch, you should've punched me in the face if I touched you in some way you didn't want."

"I didn't really like the whole.. Manhandling thing, but after you tore my sweater--"

Scott pushed on Mitch's shoulder a little. "Did I really? Mitch, what the fuck! Why didn't you tell me? Or like call Avi to come beat me up? What the fuck do you mean I tore--?"

"No, it's okay. It was kinda sexy until you went in without any lube or--"

Scott shoved him again. "Shut up, no I didn't." He paused, finally seeing through Mitch's facade. "You're a fuckin' liar, how could you scare me like that? Jesus, I was about to off myself or something."

Mitch giggled a little. "Sorry, I just like to push it. You're such a great guy, Scott. I don't know why you harbor such self-doubt in your heart."

"You don't get to call me out right now, you were an asshole."

"Well it was dumb of you to think you'd ever force me into anything, drunk or not."

Scott just frowned. "I hate the thought of it... Can we not talk about it anymore? Please?"


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