Hundred Five

441 44 9

Mitch arrived home close to three in the morning, Kirstie hanging on his arm. 

He locked the door behind himself, and spoke softly to her. "I'm gonna get some water really quick. You okay to walk to your room?"

She just nodded. "Tired." She began to walk away. "Night, Mitchie."

Mitch just nodded at her, as he walked as quietly as he could. 

He frowned when he got to the kitchen, seeing a white box of Chinese food with his name written on it in Sharpie.

He grabbed a glass to fill with water, before he snuck out toward the living room. 

Mitch found Avi there, cleaning up empty boxes from the floor, and folding blankets to be put away. 

Mitch smiled at him, and leaned on the edge of the wide doorway connecting the two rooms. "You're up late."

"So are you." Avi didn't even look at him. "I suggest you go tell Scott that you're alive so he can finally go to sleep."

Mitch continued to smile a little, confused. "What?"

Avi walked past him to throw all the containers away, still not really looking at him. "Mitch, I just... I really believe that you're an intelligent person. But why would you do that?"

"Do what? I don't know what you're talking about, I literally just got here, what did I--?"

"Why didn't you tell him where you were going?" 

"I thought I did?"

"Mitch, come on. You're not that stupid, just level with me. I had to deal with his shitty attitude all night, the least you could do is--"

"I'm serious!" Mitch spoke just as firmly, setting his glass down on the table. "Kirstie asked me to drive, and she said she'd text him for me."

"I don't think I believe that. You two are connected at the fucking hip, and you're trying to tell me, you didn't think to text him once? The entire time you were gone?"

"What do you want me to say, Av? I forgot, okay? She said she'd tell him where I was, and I didn't realize I needed to check in every ten minutes so he'd be reassured." Mitch snapped. 

Avi just shook his head, walking past Mitch again. "Whatever, dude."

Mitch walked after him, deciding to head to his room and see what Scott had to say about it. 

He closed the door behind himself softly, seeing Scott asleep on their bed. 

Mitch smiled fondly at him, walking over to gently kiss his forehead. Avi was totally overreacting. Scott slept just fine without him here. 

Scott's eyes opened slowly, and then he abruptly reached out to grab Mitch by his shirt. "Holy shit."

Mitch's eyes were wide now, smile completely gone. "Holy shit is right." He pushed Scott's hand off of him.

Scott sat up quickly, grabbing Mitch in a hug. "What the fuck? Don't ever do that again, Mitch, I was worried sick."

"Kirstie said she'd text you where we were going and--"

"I don't give a shit. I texted you a bunch of times to make sure you were okay."

Mitch pushed him back lightly, hating that he'd come home exhausted just to get argued with. "Why is everyone acting like I have to ask you for permission to go somewhere? I went out to have a good time, and everyone's coming after me about it."

"I never said you had to ask anybody for anything, Mitch." Scott responded coldly, his expression darkening slightly. "I just wanted you to answer a fuckin' text."

"Unbelievable." Mitch responded in exasperation, turning to change out of his jeans and into some sweatpants. "I just wanted to have fun with Kirstie and--"

"You're not listening to me. I don't care what you do or who you spend time with, I just wanted to know that you were okay. It's not like you to ignore me for that many hours, babe. I was scared you got hurt."

"Well I didn't." Mitch responded sharply, turning to face him now that he'd changed his pants. "You don't think I can take care of myself?"

"I know you can. I just worried you'd gotten into an accident or something. You weren't answering your phone and neither was Kirstie and Alex wasn't sure when you'd be back so--"

"We weren't answering our phones because we were at a bar, Scott! I was trying to enjoy my night with Kirstie, without checking my phone every single second!"

"I'm not-- Mitch, for fucks sake, I just wanted you to answer me once. I'm not asking for you to glue yourself to your phone when I'm not around, I just want you to let me know that you're okay when I ask. Just one text would've let me know, and I wouldn't have had to--"

"Well sorry I fucked up your whole night, just because I wasn't staring at my phone. You're kinda ruining mine, by the way."

Scott finally took a deep breath, and stood from the bed. He grabbed his pillow, and began to walk out. "Sorry for being fuckin' worried, Mitch. I care about you y'know, in case you forgot. Hope you sleep better than I did."

Mitch watched him go, and walked over to childishly close the door loudly when he'd gone, to make himself feel better. 

He was quick to frown afterward, and sat on the bed to pick up his phone and check it, for the first time all night. 

Scott had really only texted him twice. And they weren't even as bothersome as Mitch had been accusing him, so now Mitch felt like a real asshole.


Scottie Bear

'yo party animal ;) party hard babe, u deserve it after all the hard work u been doin! let me know if ur drunk ass needs a ride home. also next time pls invite my drunk ass because we could be dumbass drunk asses together ;))

'hey hope ur okay. i love u. pls let me know if u need a ride home.'


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