Forty Seven (XX)

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(A/N) Hi welcome to a smutty chapter.

Entirely plot-less, so feel free to skip if you're not into it. I don't judge. 

I'll have a normal chapter out for ya (hopefully/maybe/probably) tomorrow, so. No worries.


Let me just set it up this way; Scott decided it would be best to get a hotel room, rather than going home to bother everyone with the noise. 

That should be plenty to hint at what they're going to do.

Mitch giggled as he opened the door for Scott. "Can we get more wine?"

Scott pushed through the door, only to smack Mitch once on the ass. "Babe, you've had enough."

"But I'm not drunk yet." Mitch responded with a pout. 

Scott pouted right back at him. "I don't want you to be drunk for this."

"For what?" Mitch glanced back, meeting Scott's eyes. "I thought we were just gonna hang out..?"

"I thought it was reasonably clear... I mean, I brought you to a hotel, babe." Scott responded, without realizing how insensitive it might be until after he'd already said it. "But obviously we don't have to do anything you don't want."

Mitch squinted at him. "You brought me here to take advantage of me? Scotchell Grassi, shame on you. Does this mean I'm gonna end up with your tongue and it's piercing up my ass again?"

Scott laughed a little. "Babe, you have all the power in this situation. Nothing's gonna happen that you don't want."

Mitch giggled, walking forward to grab onto Scott's hips. "What if I want you to take advantage of me?"

Scott looked down at Mitch's hands, before looking back up slowly. "I think you should drink a glass of water, before we do anything."

"I'd like a tall glass of you first."

"Babe, I'm serious. I want you to sober up a little, so you don't do something you regret."

"Scott, I'm fine. I really am. I'm just a little tipsy."

"Prove it." Scott reached down to grab Mitch's wrists, only to hold Mitch's arms out wide as if he were about to give Scott a hug. "Close your eyes, and touch your nose."

Mitch rolled his eyes, and then closed them. He was easily able to touch his nose with both of his pointer fingers. "See? The wonders of sobriety."

"You're not sober, babe. Even a little tipsy is a little too much. I just don't wanna do something that's disrespectful to you. I trust you enough to know you'd tell me if you were uncomfortable, or... And you don't seem drunk, so..."

Mitch nodded quickly. "I promise I'm consenting. And I love you, and you're so attractive, and please fuck me?"

Scott just shook his head, before leaning down to kiss him. "If that's what you really want."

Mitch giggled again, holding on to Scott's upper arms. "Wanna know a secret?"


"I went out and bought a condom for you yesterday." Mitch giggled loudly, showing a toothy smile. "It's one of the ribbed ones, with the texture on it."

"Oh, I see. Christmas came early, huh?"

"No, but it's gonna make you come early." Mitch mused with another giggle. 

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