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Oof, y'all I'm sorry. I just started college, and it's giving me a TIME. I promise to get a better schedule very very soon :)


"Alex, you're not an idiot. Just give me your arm and let me help you."

Alex was shaking his head, even though he knew Avi couldn't see him. "Fuck, I'm sorry."

"This isn't the end of the world, dumbass. Just stand the fuck up, so we can get the Hell out of here. We don't need a light to get out."

Alex sighed softly, wishing he could see Avi's face. He knew Avi's eyes would calm him down. 

"Alex, don't ignore me."

"I'm not. I just.. Sorry. Let's get the fuck out of here."

"Okay. Then give me your arm." Avi didn't want to grab for it himself, knowing that Alex falling was partially his fault. 

"I did."

"Where? Babe, you gotta remember I can't see anything. You gotta--"

"I did, though." Alex's voice seemed to shake a little, after that. "Is that... Not your hand?"

"What?" Avi snapped, mostly out of fear but not anger. "What are you talking about?" 

He took initiative, and reached down to find Alex's arm by himself, grabbing him by the bicep. "This is my hand."

"Oh God-- Av, please-- We gotta get out of here, please."


Scott watched as the elevator doors opened in front of him, now that he was on the same floor as Avi (supposedly.)

Mitch looked shocked when they opened. "Why is it so fucking dark?"

Scott only shrugged, grabbing Mitch's hand again as they walked out of the elevator. "Get your phone out, babe."

Mitch nodded, pulling his phone out of his pocket and turning the flashlight on. "You think they'd still be in here--?"

Avi suddenly spoke, a few feet in front of them. "Hey, one of you needs to turn the fuck back around and open that elevator."

Mitch jumped at the sound of his voice, only to shine his flashlight on Avi. "Oh hey."

"Did you hear me?"

Scott quickly turned to hit the down arrow button on the wall. "Okay we hit the button. Now tell me what's going on."

Alex grabbed onto Avi's bicep. "We just need to get out of here, please and thank you."


Avi was now pacing in the lobby, the other three sitting in chairs around him. "That was so fuckin' sketchy I can't even believe it."

Mitch leaned forward in his seat, Scott's arm falling to rest on his back. Mitch looked intently at Alex, who was sitting on the table in front of Mitch with his head bowed. "So... It wasn't Avi's hand?"

Alex shook his head once, still not looking up. "I-- I didn't actually--" He stopped himself, taking a deep breath before trying again. "I honestly didn't believe in any of that... Not really, anyway. I-- I believe in science, because it's never failed me. But... That was..."

Avi spoke for him. "It was fucking wild, is what it was."

Mitch reached out to put his hand on Alex's leg. "Y'alright, Allie?"

Alex nodded once. "Yeah, I-- I'm fine. Just a little startled..?"

Mitch nodded slowly. "Okay... Look at me for a second?"

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