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It wasn't until the next day that Mitch actually got to see the campus. 

Kirstie had offered to take him, and while he was gone Alex decided to go shopping to get some food for their new home.

Avi and Scott then made use of their spare time by watching television. 

Avi chuckled at something on the screen, before looking at Scott. "Is this how it's always gonna be from now on? Hanging out here with you while our kids are off at school?"

Scott grinned, looking over at him. "I hope so. This is nice."

"Kinda like old times."

"Yep.. I'm gonna grab some of those healthy looking potato chips that Alex bought-- Oh yeah, let's not ever let him go shopping for us again-- Do you want anything?"

Avi laughed softly. "What are you talking about? He did a fine job. Bought all of Kirstie's weird specific things, lots of gluten free for Mitch..."

"Yeah, but he got a bunch of healthy bullshit."

"He's trying to teach us both to stop putting garbage into our bodies. We probably eat shittier than anyone here."

"So what? We're still sexy as ever. These are the best years of our lives, man." Scott stood from the couch to wander toward the kitchen. 

"I'll tell him next time to get more cheat foods for you, because you're whining like a baby."

Scott was out of his eye line now, but Avi could practically hear the pout in his voice. "That's not true... You're mean."

"No I'm not. You just need to learn to be grateful for what you have, you imbecile."

"Who are you to tell me that?" Scott snapped, walking back into the room with only a muffin in his hands. "See this? This is bullshit. This has like... Fruits or something in it."

"Those are blueberries, Scott. And muffins aren't even that healthy, by the way."

"Most healthy thing I've consumed in years." Scott responded, plopping down next to Avi on the couch. 

"Shut the Hell up, that's not true."

Scott just chuckled, eating the top of the muffin first.

Avi suddenly looked down at his phone. "Oh... Alex said they're almost back."

Scott pouted again, looking at his own phone. "How come Mitch didn't--?" His phone buzzed once, and he smiled immediately. "Oh."

Avi rolled his eyes. "You're so codependent."

"Yeah, so what?"

"Nothing. Just saying."


Almost the instant Mitch walked in the front door, Scott grabbed him by the arm to pull him back outside. "Thank God."

Mitch allowed it, though his eyes were wide in the initial shock of how abrupt he was. "Oh, hi."

Alex watched them, and then walked in to look at Avi. "What's going on with that?"

"Scott really wants something unhealthy to eat. I have no idea why."

"Oh shoot... Does he hate me for being a health nut? I didn't mean to. I just.. I didn't really know what to get, so I grabbed most of the stuff I usually get."

Avi just shook his head. "I don't know why he's complaining so much... I mean, he has to eat relatively healthy to have the body he has... Right?"

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