Forty Two

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Scott woke up with his hands underneath his pillow, as he lay on his stomach. He blinked himself awake a few times, only to focus his eyes on the boy beside him. 

Mitch had lifted the blanket a little, staring at Scott's back with a concentrated expression. 

He used to do this when they first started sleeping in the same bed, because he was trying to remember all of Scott's tattoos. 

But considering they were now engaged, Scott knew that wasn't the case here. He spoke in a soft, low voice. "Mitchie?"

Mitch jumped a little, dropping the blanket as his eyes met Scott's. "Good morning. How are--?"

"What are you doing..?" Scott squinted at him a little. "Did you draw a dick on my back again?"

Mitch couldn't help but giggle. "No. I promise."

Scott eyed his face up and down suspiciously, but decided to trust him. "Fine. Then what are you staring at..?"

"Am I not allowed to appreciate the beautiful man that--?"

"No. What were you staring at?"

Mitch rolled his eyes at him, and then turned to lay on his back so he didn't have to look at Scott anymore. "Nothing. God, as if I'd stare at you."

Scott huffed, and reached an arm over to grab Mitch's chin, and force Mitch's head to turn and look at him. "Don't you dare roll your eyes at me. If it weren't so early in the morning, I'd spank you."

Whether it was the low pitch of his voice, or the animalistic look in his eye... Mitch believed him. And he nodded once, eyes locked on Scott's. "Sorry... Won't happen again... Sir." 

Okay, so... He'd tacked that onto the end just to see what kind of reaction it would get. Not because he's kinkier than people think, of course. 

Scott kept staring at him. "Don't try to flatter me. Won't matter what you call me when you're bent over my knee. Gonna spank you all the same."

Mitch's breathing seemed to change then, chest rising and falling a little faster now. "Sweet Jesus... What's gotten into you this morning?"

"Nothing. But I have a pretty good idea of what's about to get into you."

Mitch pushed Scott's hand away. "God damn, you're so smooth with all that." Mitch began to get up from the bed. "Too bad you're all talk."

Scott squinted a little, knowing Mitch was just trying to challenge him. "You think so?"

"I know so." He snapped. 

Scott got out of bed quietly, and snuck after Mitch into the bathroom. He was hardly awake at all, but if Mitch wanted to play games, Scott was gonna make sure he won.

Mitch turned when he heard the bathroom door slam behind him, Scott leaning against the door with a smirk. 

Mitch crossed his arms. "Scott, I have to piss. Get out of here."

Scott didn't speak, but walked forward slowly, something dangerous in his eyes. 

Mitch watched him, and his arms fell to his sides almost instinctively. "What.. What are you doing?"

Scott still didn't respond. He crept forward slowly, as he slid his hands around Mitch's waist to lock behind him, keeping Mitch in a firm hold. "Waiting."

"Waiting? For what?"

"You to ask permission."

Mitch was desperately trying to understand what role Scott wanted him to play; Whether he was supposed to obey or act like a brat. "Permission to piss? I don't recall you telling me that I needed to ask first."

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