Seventy Three

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Lol oops


Now walking through the mall hand in hand, Alex decided to bring it up again. "So.. You wanna talk about what happened?"

"What are you talking about..?"

"The thing earlier..? With Kirstie and Kyle?" Alex suddenly laughed, and shook his head. "Woah, I just realized they're both K's just like we're both A's."

Avi disregarded the second statement. "I told you what it was. I was just annoyed, babe."

"I don't believe you though. I think something happened."

"No, I just.. I don't like Kyle, and I don't like them doing that in our house."

"It's her house too, honey."

"But it's not his."

"How is that fair?"

"I don't know, but it's stupid."

Alex finally stopped walking, nudging Avi toward a seat at one of the benches in the middle of the mall. "Okay, that's it. Sit down."

"Alex, this is a waste of--"

"Sit down, please."

Avi sighed loudly, sitting down in front of Alex. He scanned down Alex's body, only to reach out and grab his hips. "Ooh, I'm like the perfect height to--"

Alex pushed his hands away and glared at him. "Come on, Av. Please just talk to me." He sat down on the other side of Avi, putting a hand on his leg. "What happened? Did Kyle say something? Or was Kirstie rude or..?"

"What..? No, don't be dumb. I was just in a bad mood because of my mom, and then Kirstie and Kyle--"

"Your mom?"


"You didn't say anything to me about that... Is she okay?"

"Oh-- Yeah, of course. She's just lonely with me being so far away. And she said that Scott's dad's been checkin' up on her and making her uncomfortable and shit."

"What..? I thought she was gonna move out here..?"

"She might. I mean.. I don't like him doin' that shit. I need him to leave her alone."

"Sounds like you should talk to Scott."

Avi glared at him like it was the dumbest thing he'd heard all day. "Yeah, good idea. Let me just run to Scott and remind him what an asshole his abusive father was."

"Well he deserves to know, don't you think? Maybe he could talk to Connie, and see if she can--"

"Now you want him to talk to Rick and Connie? Are you trying to send him into a breakdown or something?"

Alex huffed loudly. "Avi, you have to do something. I was just giving you options since your decision to ignore the problem is backfiring on you."

"I don't need you to mother me, Alexander."

"Well you need somebody to do it. Because you're making poor choices and then getting aggressive with me when I don't deserve it."

Avi stood quickly. "Don't talk to me like that. What the fuck are you--?"

With Avi's voice raising, Alex was quick to hold a gentle hand out to him. "Avi, please don't. Don't do this here."

Avi smacked his hand away. "This argument is over. I'm going to the bathroom, and you're gonna meet me at the car. Is that clear?"

Alex hated that. He hated it so fucking much, but he knew better. He just shook his head slowly and looked down. "Yes."

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