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The next morning, they set out for Arizona.

Scott was already working on his third cup of coffee, and he laughed loudly at almost everything that Mitch said. 

Naturally, it only took about two hours for someone to have to pee. Coincidentally, it was Mr. Three Cups of Joe himself.

Scott parked beside Kirstie and grabbed five dollars out of his wallet to thrust it at Mitch. "Buy whatever, okay? I promise I'll hurry."

Mitch only giggled at him. "Scottie, I have my own money."

"I know, but... Please?" Scott held eye contact for a moment longer and then closed the door to rush into the gas station for the bathroom. 

Avi got out of his car to walk over to Alex's, knocking on the car window so Kirstie would roll it down a little. 

Before he could even speak, Kirstie spoke in a rush. "Would it be okay if I drove with you to Arizona? I hate that you're alone for so many hours."

"You can if you want to, but don't do it because you feel bad."

Kirstie glanced at Alex, and then turned back. "I'd really like to come with you, please. I'm gonna run inside for some snacks, can I grab you anything?"

Avi just shrugged, and opened her door for her. "I'll come with you."


Scott hopped back into the car, and quickly did his seat belt. When he glanced at Mitch, he saw Mitch holding out a bag of candy toward him. 

Scott quickly snatched it from his hand. "No way, dude! These are my favorite!"

Mitch scoffed at him. "I am not your 'dude'. You'd be wise to rephrase that."

"Sorry, babe... Just excited."

Mitch then watched Kirstie walk to the moving truck to sit beside Avi. "Looks like we're doing musical chairs."

"I don't care what they do, but you better not leave me."

Mitch giggled a little. "Yes, dear."

"I'm serious, Mitchie. Please don't go..."

"Honey, what are you so nervous about?"

"Nothing, just... Nobody else will tolerate me for hours on end in such a tight space. Please?"

"Babe.. That's not true. It's gonna be alright."

Scott pouted. "Just... Promise you won't leave me?"

"I promise, baby." Mitch reached over to put a hand on Scott's knee. "How are you doin' babe? You gonna be okay living so close to Connie?"

"Trying not to think about it, honestly. But yeah I'm sure I'll be okay. Are you gonna be okay? Being that far away from your parents?"

"I'm sure I'll manage. It get's easier as time goes on, so... Plus, you'll be there to help me. And I heard a rumor that Avi's mom might be moving down to be closer to him, so. I can always go to her if I need something."

"That's true." Avi gave him a wave, which was Scott's cue to start driving. As Scott moved from the parking space, he pouted at Mitch. "Will you feed me one of those candies? Please?"

Mitch giggled at him, and opened the bag to pull out a piece for him. "Of course, baby."


Mitch had fallen asleep for the majority of the drive, and according to Avi, Kirstie had too. So they decided to hold out on eating until they arrived in Arizona.

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