Fifty Seven

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Scott walked into their home, froze for a few seconds, and then turned back around to Mitch. "Maybe we should go out to eat or something? Or go grocery shopping or bowling or--"

Mitch glanced past Scott, trying to see beyond him. "Wait why? What's going--?" Mitch ducked his head a little and started whispering. "Oh my God, are Avi and Alex fuck--?"

"No, no, God no, I'd have screamed first."

"Would you?" Mitch scoffed. "Or would you take a picture first?"

Scott rolled his eyes, and gently shoved Mitch's shoulders back a little. "Come on, let's go do something."

"Will you please just tell me what's going on? Before you shove me out the door?" But halfway through his question, Mitch understood, because he could hear the argument going on inside. 

Kirstie was suddenly a little louder than she was a second ago. "You don't get to tell me what to do, Avi!"

Scott cringed a little, practically begging now. "Please, Mitch. I don't want to get involved..."

Mitch shook his head slowly. "God... Honestly? Babe, is everything okay? You're acting so strange today."

Scott blinked at him once. "Strange..? You think I'm acting strange because I didn't want to go to a party to get hit on by girls, and also don't want to walk into an argument that has nothing to do with me?"

"Yes!" Mitch responded, gently smacking Scott's chest. "You always want to get hit on. You enjoy making me jealous, and you know it. And you always, always want to walk in on arguments because first of all you love drama and second of all you want them to stop, especially because it involves Avi."

"Yeah okay you thought about this way too much."

"But it's true. So go inside, Scott. If you're not going to break up the argument, I will. You can hide behind me or something."

Scott pouted at him, still not letting him pass. "Hey... You're being mean again."

"No I'm not. Just... Can we talk about this later? I need to help our friends right now."

Scott shook his head slowly, and then moved out of his way. "Yeah. Sorry."

Mitch sighed loudly, getting a little closer to him just to kiss him once. "No, I'm sorry, honey. I'm being short with you, but I didn't mean to. Sorry. We'll talk in a little bit okay?"

Scott nodded, waiting for Mitch to walk past him so he could close the door.

Avi was still arguing, hardly even noticing Mitch walking in. "I'm not trying to be a bitch, Kirstin. I just don't think you understand what you're doing."

"I'm not doing anything! All I'm doing is dating, just like everybody else in this house. Not really any of your concern."

"Yes, it is my concern, when you bring it into the house of the people I love. I'm positive that Scott already lectured you about this, but I'm not as nice as he is. And you need to have some respect for the people you're living with."

"I am being respectful! Why are you being such an ass right now?!"

"Because your stupid fucking boyfriend came in here and insulted Alex! And now Alex is down the hall, upset, because you didn't even stick up for him. So you need to decide if you're going to defend your boyfriend, or your best friend. Because apparently you're not equipped enough to do both."

Kirstie rolled her eyes, but Mitch finally stepped in, deciding that was a good place to stop. "Hey guys, what the fuck are you doing..? Is Alex okay?"

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