Hundred Three

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Mitch now sat on the couch watching a documentary, with Scott's head in his lap. 

Scott was staring at the ceiling, not even remotely watching the television, as Mitch gently carded his fingers through Scott's hair. 

Scott finally sighed. "I just wish... I wish she'd talk to me about it."

"When she's ready, baby. She will." Mitch hummed softly. 

Scott shook his head slowly. "Maybe... Hey, what time is it?"

"Like... Almost three. Got a shift today?"

"Closing." He pouted. "Won't be home until late."

Mitch hummed, removing the hand from Scott's hair to set lightly on Scott's chest. "Do you need to shower or anything?"

"No... I still have like a half hour."

"I see... How many closing waiters are there?"

"Three, usually. Place is kinda busy all the time."

Mitch leaned down to kiss Scott's forehead. "I'm proud of you, baby. Just so you know. You're working so hard."

Scott didn't say anything back for a moment, and then a small. "Thank you."

Alex suddenly walked in the front door, gently setting his soccer bag off to the side of the doorway. "Hey guys. Avi home yet?"

Mitch spoke to him without looking, now returning his focus to his T.V. show. "I think he's closing tonight, babe."

Scott spoke quickly. "But he's coming back in a little while, to pick me up while he's on lunch."

"Oh yeah, I forgot." Alex was now in the kitchen, searching the fridge for something to drink. 

"How was practice?" Mitch inquired. 

Scott sat up suddenly, running his hand through his own hair to get it back in order, as he turned to sit normally on the couch with an arm over the back of Mitch's seat. 

Alex walked into the room with his sparkling water. "It was okay, I guess. I think I got another sunburn, so that sucks."

Mitch turned to look back at him. "Oh, sorry... Need me to buy more Aloe for it?"

"I'll find some." Alex answered with a shrug. "Whatcha watching?"

Mitch glanced back at the true crime documentary he'd been mostly not paying attention to. "A movie about Scott."

Alex giggled, and walked over to sit on the other side of Mitch. "On his third or fourth trip to juvenile hall?"

Scott glared at both of them. "Okay, hella rude." He sat back in his seat. "I've been to jail way more times than that."

Mitch grinned widely. "Oh shut up, no you haven't."

Scott didn't say a word, and a smirk began to form on his face, looking anywhere but at Mitch. 

Mitch turned to lightly smack Scott's chest once. "Excuse me! How many times, Scott?"

Alex took a sip of his drink. "Did you at least get a punch card?"

Mitch turned sharply to glare at him too. "This isn't funny. What's that supposed to mean?"

"Y'know, like... Get arrested six times, get the seventh one free. Pass go, collect 200 dollars."

Mitch was quickly beginning to sound irritated. "Are you high or something?" He turned quickly again. "Wait, what?! Seven times?"

Avi suddenly walked into the house. "Scott, you ready to go?"

Scott looked thrilled at the thought of leaving Mitch without an answer. "Yep! Totally ready, let's get the fuck out of here."

Mitch grabbed his arm. "Oh, no you don't. You'd best give me an honest answer, or you're sleeping outside."

Avi froze in his spoke. "Well that sounds awfully serious, what the Hell's goin' on here?"

Scott pulled his arm from Mitch. "Alex is smoking weed, and I'm a juvenile delinquent."

Avi paused. "Okay, I knew one of those things. Lexi, I told you to stay out of my stash."

Alex giggled and stood from the couch. "He's kidding. I wouldn't do that."

Mitch was rushing to follow Scott down the hall. "You're not leaving this house until you tell me, Scott."

Avi walked over to Alex, leaning forward to give him a brief kiss. "Didn't think I was gonna see you today. Came home early?"

"Coach called it early. Don't know why."

Alex stepped forward to hold onto the front of Avi's button-up shirt. "I like your work uniform... You look good."

Avi just hummed. "What are they arguing about, anyway?"

"Mitchie wants to know how many times Scott's been to juvy."

"Scott can't count that high, that's not fair." Avi grinned, mostly to himself. "I don't even think I can count that high."

"Wait, really? He's been there a lot?"

Scott walked back out, tucking his tight grey shirt into his black jeans as he moved. "It's a secret, baby."

"We don't keep secrets in this house, Hoying." Mitch argued, following him closely. "And I told you to ask them for a bigger shirt; why didn't you?"

"I like this shirt. Stop fat shaming me." Scott smiled a little, and winked at Avi. "Ready to go."

"I'm not--" Mitch huffed at him. "I hate you."

Scott turned to give him a quick kiss. "I hate you too."


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