Hundred Fifteen

432 46 22


Guys I cant stop hahaha

Now that they were all standing in the kitchen, Avi had decided to make pancakes. 

Mitch offered to help, and began making the side dishes of bacon and eggs. 

But Scott knew better. Alex was gonna want his nasty green smoothie thing, so he went to work doing that instead. 

With them all working together, Avi decided to tell the story of Blake. 

Mitch held a hand up to stop him first. "Is this a story that I shouldn't know, in case I accidentally tell Alex?"

"No, no, Alex knows about it. He and I laugh about it all the time, when someone hits on me in public."

Mitch giggled. "I am so excited right now, I want to hear every detail."

"Okay, so... It starts like it always does. She used to pick on me in school, because she thought I was cute, and that's how elementary school works."

"Obviously." Mitch mused. 

Avi continued, flipping one of the pancakes. "So then in middle school, she kept asking me if we could go to the school dance or whatever. But Avi don't do dances, so I kept saying no. But it like, never ended. She was a cheerleader in high school, and she loved to hold that over my head."

Scott spoke up, then. "I almost wanted him to fuck her, just to get it over with so she'd leave him alone."

Mitch turned to smack Scott's arm once. "Okay, gross. Do men actually think that way?"

"High school Scott did." Scott responded easily. "Anyway, continue."

Avi just shook his head, dismissing Scott. "It gets much worse, I should've just followed his advice to be honest."

Mitch kept shaking his head. "I don't think I like this. Carry on."

Avi chuckled at him. "Yeah well, here it comes. After years and years of stalking me as a child, she finally decided that the reason I didn't like her was because I was in love with Scott. So at the end of freshman year, she confronted me about it."

Scott was grinning now, tossing bananas and almond milk into the blender. 

Avi continued. "She told me that I should've just told her I was gay from day one. Even though day one was when I was like. Six years old. But... I didn't actually really know if I was gay though, so she scared me, and I told her I wasn't."

Mitch stopped what he was doing completely. "Wait, what do you mean by that? Didn't know..?"

"Well no. Remember, I didn't really come to terms with it until Alex came around."

"Oh, oh.. That's right, sorry. I just meant... You didn't think you were at all? Not even a little?"

"Freshman Avi was very afraid of who he was." He looked over at Mitch, wanting to be honest. "I'm not like Scott, remember. I hated the thought that I might be a little different, because all I wanted was to blend in and be ignored."

Mitch gave him a sympathetic smile. "Sorry... I didn't mean for you to unload all of that during your story. I appreciate your honesty though."

Avi just shrugged. "It's whatever... Anyway since I told her no, she told me I should experiment a little." He turned to face Scott. "I mean, essentially she was telling me to sleep with Scott to see if I was gay or not."

Mitch frowned at the thought of it. "This is a very strange story."

Avi glanced at him. "Yeah, well it gets weirder. Then she asked if she could come with me, to do so. Like she wanted to have a threesome with two probably gay guys. And honestly, it was so hilarious to me, that I laughed in her face. Which led to her punching me in the face, which then led to--"

Scott interrupted him loudly. "Okay, maybe we don't talk about the last part."

Mitch waved him off. "We got this far, just lay it on me."

Avi smirked at them both, turning to pull the pancake off the heat, and pour more dough on to start the process over. "Scott was across the hall, and without knowing what happened, he just marched over and punched her that much harder."

Mitch gasped, and looked at him. "Oh my God. That's not a funny story, why didn't you ever tell me that?"

Scott's face was a light pink now. "I was embarrassed! I felt so bad afterwards, but I was busy trying to be a badass so... I hooked her up with one of our friends, to get her and Avi apart."

Mitch shook his head slowly. "Christ, this is quite a process you went through." He crossed his arms, and looked over to Avi. "So? You never thought about it? Having a threesome with a hot girl and a hot guy?"

Avi shrugged, eyes on his pancakes. "Not back then, remember? I slept with a lot of people, but none of them were male. That was always Scott's thing, and I was scared to think it might be mine too."

Scott stopped what he was doing, to walk over and stand beside him, putting a hand on his back. "Stop it, this is making me feel sad... I love the person you've become, dude. It upsets me to think you were locked up all this time, in a cage you built for yourself."

Avi reached over to pat Scott's back a few times. "It's alright. We live and we learn, y'know. I'm happier now. And... I don't think there was anything we could've done to shove me out of that cage, man. Not until I met Alex."

Mitch gave him a soft smile. "Aw... He saved you."

Avi nodded once, still not looking up. "He set me free."


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