Fifty Three

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What was the best present y'all got??? Personally, my Farmor (Swedish Grandma) got me like 75 dollars to Ulta and honestly that's all I've ever needed xD

ANYWAY I HAVE A DOUBLE FOR YOU SO MERRY CHRISTMAS AND GOD BLESS YALLLLLLL (I'll post it in like ten minutes so grab a snack while you're waiting xD)


Avi reached past Alex to grab the bar of soap on one side of the shower. 

He smirked to himself and then tossed it onto the ground in front of Alex, who was standing in front of him facing the shower head. 

Avi couldn't even bother being subtle about it. "Hey... Hey you should pick that up for me."

Alex glanced over his shoulder with an icy glare. "Oh, you think?"

"Please..? It would make me really happy if you could just help me--"

"How about I switch you places and then you can grab it?"

"When was the last time I was in that position?" Avi responded. 

"It's been quite a while. So..."

Avi slid his arms around Alex's stomach, kissing Alex's back once. "I'm gonna assume you're kidding around with me, and move on. So tell me more about practice. You have a couple of sunburns..."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot to put sunscreen on, and... None of the other guys ever do it so I just didn't think about it."

"Okay, but... Why are they on your shoulders? You guys practice without your shirts on?"

"Yeah sometimes. It was hot outside, and we were doing conditioning, so... Wait why? Am I not..? I mean, if you don't want me to then I won't. But I didn't know..."

"I mean it's your body, y'know. Do what you want with it. But, just... First of all, be careful with the sunburns. Your skin is too smooth and perfect for you to let that happen."


"And also... If by any chance you find out that one of your team mates is gay, make sure they know you're unavailable so they don't spend the entire day making you uncomfortable. And... If they do, let me know about it. I'll make sure it never happens again."

Alex just giggled. "Got it. Thank you."

"Yeah... Um... If you want me to rub some Aloe on it, I wouldn't exactly be opposed..."

"Yes, Avi. I understand that you're horny every second of every day."

"What? How dare you, all I wanted was to help out my poor boyfriend--" He paused, smiling a little. "Yeah, you're right. But how can I not be? My boyfriend is a fucking Adonis."

"Wow... You know who Adonis was?"

"Sure I do. I'm lookin' at him."

Alex rolled his eyes. "Yeah okay. Are you gonna shower too, or just stand behind me and watch?"

"I mean... I guess I can. But I'm gonna need you to grab that soap."


While they were eating what Scott had prepared, Scott was generally silent. 

Mitch kept trying to draw him into a conversation, but Scott only gave him short answers. 

Finally Mitch set his food down, and gave Scott his full attention. "Babe, will you please talk to me? What's going on in that head of yours?"

"Sorry... I'm just trying to think of what I'm gonna say before I actually put it out there."

"Okay well... Just tell me what you've got so far, and we can work it out together."

Scott shifted in his seat a little, looking away from Mitch for a moment. "I just don't like where our relationship is headed right now, and I'm worried that I'm gonna lose my best friend."

"Oh honey... You're not gonna lose me. I know we're having a weird thing right now, but... It's not a big deal. We'll push through, just like we always have and always will."

Scott nodded slowly, and then looked away again.

"I know that's not all of it. Keep talking."

"I feel like... You're acting a little strange, Mitchie. And I'm worried that you're feeling overwhelmed about college and Kirstie's boyfriend and Alex's team and... You're not talking to me about it. You're letting it stress you out to the point of taking it out on me, which you're usually very good about avoiding."

Mitch took a few moments to process all of that. "Oh... Well, yes. I have been feeling slightly overwhelmed... I didn't mean to take it out on you, though."

Scott looked into his eyes. "Can I, um... Can I have a hug?"

Mitch smiled a little and stood from his seat slowly, only to walk around the table and bend to hug him gently. "It's okay, honey... We're gonna be okay."

Scott hugged him as well as he could, before pushing his chair away from the table slightly. "Sit with me?"

Mitch let go, and sat on Scott's lap. "Feeling touchy today, I see."

"Mhmm..." Scott mumbled, sliding his arm around Mitch's waist.

Mitch then plucked some of the food off of Scott's plate to eat, swinging his legs because he wasn't really touching the ground. "Let me know if your leg goes numb so we can switch thighs."

"Mitchie, my big ass would snap your leg in--"

"No, no I meant like... I'll hop over to your other leg." Mitch responded easily, putting his arm around Scott's shoulders.

"Oh okay..." Scott smiled a little. "You smell like... My Old Spice..."

"Oh! Yeah, I ran out of my cologne, so... Sorry, I hope that's okay..?"

"Of course it's okay. I really love your stuff, but I also really love you smelling like me..."

"As if a ring isn't enough to claim me..?" Mitch responded with a giggle. "You're so cute."

Scott smiled, pressing his nose to Mitch's shirt. "Smells good... Do I smell like this?"

"Yeah, it's most of the reason I agreed to marry you."

"Yeah? That explains it."

Mitch giggled again, bringing his other hand over to grab Scott's chin and lean over to kiss him. "I love you, y'know."

"I love you too." Scott mumbled, leaning in to kiss him again.

Mitch ran his hands along Scott's beard with a smile. "Hey, sometime you should let me shave your beard. Not that it isn't really hot and sexy, because it is, but I'm just curious. I've seen videos of people doing it."

"Sure. If it would make you happy for some reason, then sure."

Kirstie suddenly walked into the front door, smiling widely. "Hey y'all. Scott, can I borrow you for a second?"

Scott looked over. "Can I bring Mitch?"

Kirstie giggled a little. "Yes of course."


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