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While Alex and Mitch ran in to choose the best bedrooms, Avi and Scott immediately began moving furniture into their new house. 

They both kind of had this unspoken agreement of wanting to get this done as quick as possible so they could finally relax for a little while.

Kirstie was trying to help as well, grabbing smaller pieces of furniture to bring into the house.

When the landlord arrived to be sure everything was going alright, Mitch was the one to speak to him as the others continued to move furniture. 

Once the landlord left, after offering to help a little, Mitch walked over to put a hand on Scott's shoulder. "Babe, be careful please."

Scott only shrugged. "My arm feels fine, babe. But thank you."

"Not what I said, but okay." Mitch looked over at Avi, who was helping Alex lift one of the chairs out of the truck. Most of the house was furnished, but Avi's too determined to stop. "Hey, Avi? Is it okay if Scott takes a break? I'm worried about his arm."

Avi just nodded. "Do whatever."

Scott frowned at him. "Mitch, I don't need a break. Stop babying me."

"No. You're gonna get yourself hurt."

"Please. Just go inside, babe."

Mitch sighed loudly. "Whatever. You're annoying." He turned to walk inside. "I gave Avi and Alex the master bedroom, by the way. We're on the other side of the house."

"See? Why don't you do that, babe? Go set up our room or whatever, and I'll join you when I'm done."


Scott snagged his wrist. "Don't get angry. You love decorating shit."

"I know, but I was kinda hoping we could do it together. And I'm really worried about you, babe. I don't want you to hurt yourself even more."

Scott turned him around, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "Okay, fine. Wife is always right, I know better. I'll tell Avi I'm gonna help you inside, okay? Grab a box of our stuff, and I'll meet you in a bit."

Mitch smiled at him. "Thank you. I'll see you inside."

Scott kissed him again, and then turned around to talk to Avi quickly. 

When he met Mitch in their new room, he noticed that there was already a bed set up with a mattress on top of it, but no sheets. 

Mitch was sitting on it, looking around the room to imagine the possibilities.

Scott set a box down on the floor. "What are you thinkin' babe?"

"Just thinking about what it's gonna look like in here... I'm really excited to share a room with you." Mitch looked over at him. "I mean... This is ours, Scottie. How cool is that?"

Scott walked over, only to stand in between Mitch's legs and lean over him, bracing himself with his hands flat on the bed, only to kiss Mitch quickly, and then rest his forehead against Mitch's. "It's gonna be a dream come true, baby."


When Avi finally got to lay down on the bed in their room, he didn't speak for almost five minutes as Alex began shoving furniture into the corners he wanted them to be in. 

Alex hummed softly. "Avi, can I bug you for a second?"

Avi just turned to look at him, not moving his body at all. 

"Does this all look okay? I'm not trying to be controlling and if you feel like something will look better somewhere else, then--"

"You did fine. Come over here so I can talk to you for a second."

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