Hundred Twenty Five

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Just letting everyone know how much I love this chapter. Just sayin. 

Aaand continue


Scott dropped Mitch off at school, on his way to work. 

Avi slept in, but Alex got up early to head to practice. He threw on one of his many practice uniforms, and then rushed into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Avi heard him when the water turned on, and he groaned loudly. "You're leaving me."

Alex grinned, rinsing his toothbrush and setting it on the counter. "Only for a couple hours, babe."

Avi sat up in bed, just to pout at him. "Why do you have to work out so much? Can't you just stay home..?"

Alex walked back into the room, to pick a pair of his long, soccer socks to slip on. "I can't tell if you're seriously upset with me or not... But if you are, you know that's not fair, because it's not personal."

"What's not personal? Your prior commitments to other things that aren't your boyfriend?"

Alex sat on the edge of the bed to put the socks on, and slip on some comfortable running shoes. "Did you really wake up this early just to argue with me, or..? Is this banter? I'm never sure."

Avi rubbed one of his eyes, moving over on the bed to sit beside Alex, only to press a kiss to Alex's shoulder. "Sorry... I woke up all prickly... Like a fuckin' porcupine. Sorry."

Alex couldn't help but giggle. "Wow, you are kinda like a porcupine. Can't believe I never saw the resemblance."

Avi continued kissing Alex's shoulder, moving up to where his shoulder met his neck, and then finally the side of his neck. "I just miss you."

Alex didn't move, even though his shoes were on now. He knew better than to waste any of Avi's rare cuddly moments. "I'm sorry, babe... I've got class after practice, but I can be home by two?"

"Gotta work today... Won't be home until six or so."

"Okay, so six. Call it a date." Alex turned to meet Avi's eyes, grabbing one of Avi's hands to hold. "Maybe I can take you out to dinner?" He offered kindly, in a soft tone.

Avi looked down, unable to stand how intimate the moment felt. "I'll think about it."

Alex knew that Avi was just being shy, because he claimed he didn't know what to do in their soft moments like this. Alex tried to help, by gently moving forward to kiss Avi once to regain his focus. 

When Alex leaned away, he squeezed Avi's hand. "I'm sorry I haven't been making much time for you, I'll try harder. You are my number one priority, and I've never lost sight of that. I promise."

Avi blushed at that, keeping his head down so Alex wouldn't see it. "Okay."

Alex pressed a kiss to the top of Avi's head, and then stood from the bed. 

Avi finally looked up at him. "Hey, wait. I gotta tell you something."

Alex turned to face him, pulling at his shirt in a few of the places he didn't like, so that it would sit more comfortably on his frame. "What's up?"

"Just... You have a really beautiful heart. And... I need to tell you that more."

A smile slowly grew onto Alex's face. "Aw... That's really kind of you to say."

Avi stood from the bed, wearing a t-shirt and a pair of comfortable boxers. "Yeah, yeah. Let me walk you out?"

Alex held the door open for him to follow him out. "You're being awfully sweet today, handsome. Is anything going on that I should know about?"

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