Fifty Six

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As they approached the door to the party, Scott suddenly stopped walking and turned back to Mitch. "I wanna go home."

"No, no, it's gonna be fun." Mitch tried.

"No, Mitchie... I wanna go home. I don't wanna do this. This feels gross and wrong, and I hate having to pretend that you're not mine. I hate that you want me to let someone flirt with me, with you in the same room, and not tell them to back the fuck off."

Mitch ran a hand down Scott's jawline, knowing that always served to comfort him. "Honey, it's okay. You're not betraying me in any way, and I will always, always be yours. I just need your help, is all."

"You need my help hooking two people up that we've barely even met."


Scott sighed loudly, frowning at him. "Please don't make me do this."

Mitch had to pause then, hating how sad and genuinely distraught he sounded. "Aw, honey... I was only trying to help Angela out... But if you really, really don't want to go, then we won't. Okay? I'm not trying to be an asshole."

Scott looked down at his feet as he listened to the loud sounds coming from the party in the house behind him. "It just feels wrong, Mitchie. I don't want anybody comin' onto me, that isn't you."

"I understand, baby. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have dragged you out here knowing you didn't want to--"

The front door was thrown open, and Bella came rushing out. "I thought that was you! What are you guys doing standing out here?"

Scott completely froze, looking to Mitch for help. Mitch was on it already though, walking past Scott to face her. "Sorry, he isn't feeling so good. We were just trying to decide if this was a good idea or not, based on how sick he feels."

Bella nodded slowly in understanding. "Sure, sure... Do you want me to grab some pain killers? I think I've got some upstairs."

"No, that's alright. I think... I think I just need to get him home so he can get some rest."

"Oh, okay... That's too bad. I was really looking forward to hanging out with you guys. You sure I can't get you anything before you leave?"

Mitch couldn't help but feel bad for her. If anybody knew how attractive and mysterious Scott is, it's Mitch. "Well... Maybe the pain killers aren't an awful idea..."

Scott stepped a little closer. "Mitch, I--"

Bella spoke louder though. "Oh, okay! Let me run upstairs and-- But you guys can come in if you want!"

Mitch immediately started walking forward, unable to help it. 

Scott waited for Bella to be out of sight, before he grabbed Mitch's arm. "Mitchie, what--?"

"It's okay. Sorry, I panicked. She just sounded so upset, I couldn't help it. I hate lying to people, it makes me feel gross inside."

"Okay well now I feel gross inside too." Scott muttered as he stepped inside the house behind Mitch, closing the door out of habit.

Angela immediately rushed over to Mitch, smiling widely at him. "Oh hey! Hope the drive wasn't terrible... Can I get you anything to drink?"

Mitch gave her a polite smile back. "No, thank you."

Scott saw Bella rushing back down the stairs, so he pressed a quick kiss to the side of Mitch's head. "Be right back." And then he walked over to meet her halfway.

Angela smiled even wider. "Ooh, I saw that. Making progress, huh?"

"Yep." Mitch decided to not even bother denying it, after all she wasn't wrong. He was in fact in love with his best friend.

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