Forty Nine

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It wasn't until later, after Scott and Mitch had gone into their room for the night, that Mitch got an urgent text from Alex. 

With Scott's hand flat on Mitch's chest as he spooned the smaller boy, Mitch refused to move when he heard his phone buzz on the night table beside the bed. 

Scott hadn't moved either, and Mitch thought they were both going to ignore it, until it buzzed again and Scott pressed a quick kiss to the back of Mitch's head. "Babe..?"

Mitch had just groaned. "Too tired. Ignore."

Scott's arm moved to reach out in front of Mitch to smack the tabletop a few times until he landed on Mitch's phone, unable to see in the dark. 

He then held it toward them so they could both see it, as he unlocked it with his fingerprint (that Mitch had put in a few weeks ago to avoid an argument about Scott's birthday not being the password.)

Mitch squinted at the screen. "Is it from Alex..?"

"Mhm... Should I open it?"

"Please." Mitch mumbled, happy that his arms were still warm under the blanket and Scott was doing the work for him. 

Scott did so, opening the message. "Soccer team, somethin'." It buzzed once more in his hand, which caused him to drop it back onto the table. "Fuck."

Mitch just giggled at him. "I think I gotta get up... He's probably gonna check the list soon."

"A list? There's a list?"

"Yeah. They post the list of people that made the team at a certain time of day, and it must be right now."

"But.. He's got Avi. Why does he have to take you too?"

"You can come too, honey. He's not trying to leave you out."

"Oh... I just thought he was mad at me."

"Why would he be mad at you..?"

"I don't know, people find all kinds of reasons to hate me."

Mitch rolled his eyes, and turned over to lay on his back and look toward Scott. "Babe, he doesn't hate you. Nobody important could possibly hate you."

Scott gently pat Mitch's stomach a few times. "Alex seemed to be kinda in a hurry. Shouldn't you be out there already?"

"I'm taking my time, thank you."

Scott stood up from the bed, and began to walk toward where he knew the light switch to be so Mitch could get up without stumbling around in the dark. "Let's not keep him waiting."

Mitch had the same idea, which is cute until I mention the part about him running directly into Scott.

Scott had quickly grabbed him in a hug, immediately thinking it was his fault. "Shit, I'm sorry. Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I'm fine." Mitch mumbled, reaching out to turn the light on. "Sorry, I think that was my bad."

Scott shook his head quickly. "Definitely my fault, but... Anyhow." He pressed a kiss to Mitch's cheek. "Sorry. And let's go."

By the time they got into the living room, Alex and Avi were already sitting on the couch. 

Alex's phone was sitting on the coffee table that was in front of the couch. 

Mitch subconsciously pulled his boxers down a little to cover more of his legs, having a brief remembrance of the incident with Avi. Mitch hurried over to sit beside Alex, putting a hand on his back. "Well?"

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