Eighty Eight

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Mitch was now wrapped in a large jacket as he stood beside Alex near the water, both of them very much clothed.

Scott literally screamed when Avi's underwear hit him in the face, but Avi just laughed.

Scott wasn't far behind him, as they both left piles of clothes on the sand, only to sprint toward ice cold water.

Mitch shook his head slowly. They were both so painfully sober, Mitch couldn't understand why they were doing this.

Scott was barely in the water for half a minute, before he was sprinting back up toward Mitch.

Mitch continued to shake his head, unzipping his jacket and allowing Scott to hug him so Mitch could get as much of the jacket around Scott as possible. This also meant allowing all of Scott's ice cold limbs to get too close to Mitch's body heat, but oh well.

Scott was shivering violently. "Holy shit-- B-Bad idea."

Avi walked out of the water calmly though, and wandered toward Alex with a smirk. "C'mon, Lexi. Please?"

Alex's eyes looked fearful, as he glanced out at where the moon was reflecting off the water. "Avi... You don't have to come up with excuses to get me naked."

"This isn't about that."

"What is it about, then..? Giving your friends hypothermia?"

"Oh please. You take ice baths all the time! What's the difference?"

Alex finally sighed, and his eyes changed from afraid to desperate. "Avi, please don't make me do this. I would really rather not."

Mitch glanced over at them, feeling Scott's body still shivering against him. "We should get back to the hotel. You did what you wanted, Avi, let's just go."

Avi whined at him. "No fun... Scott, you wanna go again?"

Mitch's eyes widened, as Scott had the audacity to nod and pull himself away from Mitch's warmth.

Alex spoke quickly. "This might be acceptable if the water was even remotely warm."

Avi glared at him. "I didn't think I could get you naked in the hotel pool, so."

Mitch grabbed Scott's arm with a tight grip. "Don't you dare go back in there. You're coming with me, and we're gonna get you warmed up."

Scott frowned, but bowed his head. "Okay."


And that is the story that led Alex to his current situation; sitting in the hotel's jacuzzi in nothing but his underwear.

His arms were crossed over his chest. "I'm sure I had pair of swim shorts somewhere, Avi." He grumbled.

Avi rolled his eyes, sitting beside him in a similar situation. "It's not a big deal. They close this thing in like a half hour, so I doubt anybody's gonna see you."

Mitch hadn't been convinced to go to the pool with the other two, because he wanted to get Scott into some warm clothes.

He was holding off on the 'I told you so' until Scott would actually be able to hear him over the chattering of his teeth.

Scott was abruptly shoved back into the shower-- "Your hair smells like seaweed, Hoying"-- And he was standing underneath the warm flow of the water with his head bowed.

Mitch had joined him in the shower, both in their boxers. He turned Scott around with a hand on his shoulder. "If you wanted to be soggy and naked with me, we could've done this like two hours ago."

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