Sixty Eight

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The rest of the week was fairly quiet. Alex and Mitch were busy with assignments, while Avi was busy calling Kevin every other day for help with recipes so he could cook for everyone. 

Scott truly wasn't doing much of anything, apart from getting Mitch whatever he asked for. 

He'd decided that with the spare time he had when Mitch wasn't around, he was going to get himself a gym membership, and try to commit to that a few times a week. 

Which is why he wasn't home to stop the argument that ensued at the house while Mitch was in class.

"Alexander, I said no. And that's final." Avi snapped, still walking away from him.

Alex kept following though. "You don't get to make decisions for me. I was asking for advice."

"Okay well then my advice is no. When on Earth would you have time for that shit?"

"I can just take shifts after practice. I can take days off when I have games, and... I don't have any late classes, so."

"It's a bad idea. You won't have enough time to do any classwork, first of all. And second, you always overwhelm yourself with shit like this. But this time I'm saying no. You understand me?"

"No, I don't understand." Alex stopped walking, only to stare at Avi's back. "I'm applying at the store, Avi. Whether you like it or not."

Avi turned to face him. "But why? That's my question. Why can't you wait until you get the hang of things? After soccer season is done?"

"Because he can't keep paying for everything, Avi. It's not fair." Alex stepped a little closer to him. "Remember who bought this place? He sold a bunch of his own shit to have money for us, in addition to the payments he's been doing. And we're just letting him do it, because it's convenient for us."

"Scott chose to--"

"I know. So now I'm choosing to help him. It's your own fault if you choose not to do the same."

Alex walked past him, and now it was Avi who was following. "Hey, we're not done. Where are you going?"

"I have an interview in an hour." He responded softly. 

"You have an interview already? What the fuck? Then why the fuck did you come to me for advice?"

"I just needed some tips for the interview, I didn't realize you were gonna be so immature about it." Alex grabbed his jacket, and then picked up his phone. "But it's fine. I'll call Kevin."


Mitch walked in the door with a big smile on his face, closing it loudly. "Hey, Allie? I'm home."

Avi was sitting on the couch with a beer in hand. "Just me. Sorry to disappoint."

"Oh hey." Mitch walked in his direction, taking a seat on the table in front of him. "How was your day?"


"Right." Mitch squinted at him a little. "And Alex is gone, so... I'm gonna assume there was an argument."

"Yeah maybe." Avi took another sip, and then finally glanced over. "Jesus, I forgot your hair wasn't brown anymore."

Mitch giggled a little, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "Yeah, it's a look."

Avi nodded once, and then offered his beer toward Mitch. 

Mitch shook his head though. "No thank you. Bonus question; Where's Scott?"



"Mhmm." Avi sat up a little. "Can I run something by you?"

"Sure." Mitch responded quickly with a small smile. 

"Alex... Alex wants to get a job. And I told him it was a terrible idea, because he's already really busy, with a new school and new people and a new team... But he feels bad because Scott's paying for everything, and Alex doesn't think we're helping enough."

Mitch's smile faded a little. "I mean... He's not wrong about that. But... Alex is the last person that should be taking on that responsibility. He's more busy than any of us."

"Which is why... I think I'm gonna try to get a job too. And then... He doesn't have to work."

"Does Alex even have time to work..?"

"Not really. But... Of course he's the first one to feel bad about money. So naturally he has to try to help."

"I understand... It's nice of him to offer. But he's gonna overwhelm himself again. Just like he did in high school."

"I told him the same thing... Also, this is kind of random. But when you go down the hall, can you grab Scott's phone from the bathroom?"

"Which bathroom?"

"The one in your room. He called me on some random lady's phone to tell me he left it there."

Scott suddenly rushed into the house, closing the door loudly as he hurried over to the other boys. "Hey guys." He leaned down to kiss the top of Mitch's head. "Sorry I'm late."

Mitch looked up at the big, sweaty man next to him. "Late for what?"

"I was trying to get here before you did, but it's fine."

Mitch gave him a gentle shove. "Go shower."

Scott laughed and leaned in for a hug. "Don't you love me?"

Mitch stood up quickly to push him back a little. "Don't touch me." He said in a rush, before giggling and trying to run away. 

Avi just took a slow sip of his beer, looking away from them so he could ponder some more. 

Scott ended up chasing Mitch into their bedroom, where he closed the door and stood in front of it. "Looks like you cornered yourself, sweetheart."

Mitch couldn't stop laughing, as he made a run for the bathroom, only for Scott to grab him around the waist.

Scott hugged him tightly. "Why don't you love me? I just wanna hug."

"I don't wanna hug you!" Mitch giggled again, trying to push Scott's arms off of him. "Get off of me!"

"Kiss me, and I'll leave you alone." Scott offered.

Mitch paused for a second, and then turned around to face him. "Promise me, that after I kiss you, you'll go shower."

"I promise." He mumbled, putting both hands on Mitch's hips and leaning down a little. 

Mitch put a hand on the back of Scott's neck, kissing him once, twice and a few times. He stopped to look into Scott's eyes for a few moments, before kissing him again. 

Scott couldn't help but get into it as well, as he gently pushed Mitch back toward their bed. 

When Mitch felt the mattress against the backs of his knees, he didn't object to it, knowing full well what Scott was trying to do.

He just laid himself down and scooted up a little to make room for Scott. To which Scott responded by pushing Mitch's knees apart, and then kneeling down between Mitch's legs before leaning back down to kiss him again. 

Mitch grabbed onto Scott's shirt, sweaty as it may be, to keep Scott where Mitch wanted him. 

Without much thought, Scott began grinding against Mitch's hips, causing Mitch to gasp into his mouth. 

Scott only smirked and pulled back a little. "Sorry... Too far?"

Mitch stared at him for a few seconds. "Actually... Fuck the bet. I'm over it; I lose. And also forget the shower. Just fuck me, okay? Please?"





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