Hundred Ten

423 48 7

Alex was sitting on top of the counter in the laundry room that Mitch usually uses to fold his clothes.

Avi shoved the clothes into the dryer, and continued to glance up at Alex, knowing he was upset.

Alex finally sighed, while staring at the ground. "Listen, I'm sorry about what was said."

"Stop apologizing for someone else, Lex. You know that I don't care what she said." 

Alex just shook his head, still staring at the ground.

Avi finally finished what he was doing, and slammed the dryer door shut. He hit the button to start the machine, and then walked over to stand between Alex's knees. 

Resting both hands on the outsides of Alex's thighs, Avi waited to speak until Alex looked into his eyes. "Lexi, listen. You know that you don't ever have to worry about my feelings getting hurt. I literally don't care what anybody thinks of me." He paused, to reconsider. "Well, except you."

Alex just stared at him, still looking upset. "I just... I don't like what she said. She hurt my feelings."


Scott was sitting at the kitchen table, putting everyone's mail into separate piles so he could find the bills he needed to pay. 

He'd only just opened the energy bill, when Mitch abruptly walked into the room and sat beside him. 

Scott gave him a smile. "Hey, babe. Want me to make you some tea or something?"

"No." He snapped. "Are you gonna be honest with me or am I gonna have to ask?"

Scott's smile faded immediately. "Wait what?" He held up the envelope in his hand. "I'm just paying bills."

Mitch leaned forward slightly to squint at him. "I smell smoke, asshole. What the Hell were you thinking?"

"Are you kidding?" Scott leaned forward too, placing a hand on top of Mitch's. "Babe, I would have come to tell you if I was gonna slip up like that."

Mitch pulled his hand away. "Please don't lie to me about that. You can be honest if you had a slip up, baby. You know I just wanna help."

"No, I'm serious. Please believe me, Mitchie. I don't even buy cigarettes anymore."

Mitch tilted his head slightly, but nodded. "Okay, I believe you. But where is that smell coming from? Did Kyle stop by?"

Alex opened the backdoor to walk into the kitchen, a frown still on his face. "I just don't understand how she could say that to me. Was the rudest thing she's ever said to me."

As the door opened, the scent of smoke came into the dining room along with him. 

Mitch sat up suddenly to look at the two of them that came in. "What--? Alex, why does it smell like smoke out there?"

Alex just rolled his eyes, and didn't answer. 

Instead, Avi walked in behind him and closed the door loudly. "The chimney you're trying to identify is named Kirstie."

Mitch stood up suddenly. "Wait what? Since when?"

"Apparently since, well, Kyle."

Mitch pushed Scott's shoulder. "You gotta kill him for me."

Scott looked up at him. "Happily. But I don't think that's what you really want."

Mitch stared right back at him, and paused. "No, I guess not. I'll go talk to her."


Mitch sat down at the table without speaking, waiting a few moments before starting. "Hey, Kit. Can you put that thing out and talk to me?"

She glanced at him, putting her cigarette out in the ashtray sitting on the table. "Sure thing, but you gotta hurry because I'm leaving in a few."

Mitch sighed at her. "Okay, whatever. How long have you been smoking cigarettes?"

"Oh I don't know. A little while."

"Kirstie, please. It's a big deal, y'know. I wish you'd take it seriously."

"It's literally not a big deal, hun. Don't stress about it."

"I will definitely stress about it. Do you not remember how hard it was to get Scott to stop smoking? He was withdrawing for like, months."

"So? I don't understand why everyone keeps acting like I'm the only one not allowed to do dumb shit."

Mitch frowned at her. "What are you talking about? Nobody said you can't make a bad decision. I'm just.. Advising against this particular decision."

"Okay well I didn't ask for your opinion, did I?"

Mitch scoffed at her. "Okay that's fucking rude, just saying. You're pushing everyone away, so something's definitely wrong. Do you want to talk about it, or keep being shitty?"

"You're fucking rude too. Just leave me alone, dude. I hate everyone trying to parent me."

Mitch stood up quickly. "Fine. Good luck with your mouth diseases and lung cancer. Let me know when you remember how important your friends are and decide to apologize."


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