Hundred Nineteen

502 39 14


Got another - look at me go ;)


Alex was able to slow Avi down enough, so that when they made it to the front door, Rick's car wasn't out there anymore.

Scott was sitting on the bed with Mitch beside him, leaning on Mitch's shoulder. "I feel sad, Mitchie."

"I can only imagine, baby... You wanna talk about it? Or do you just wanna feel the pain in your hand for a little while?"

Scott sighed. "My hand doesn't hurt as much as my heart does. But I thought it would help."

"And did it?"

Scott looked down at his hand, and made a fist to see if it hurt. "No."

Mitch turned to press a kiss to Scott's cheek. "I'm sorry, baby."

Scott looked down at his lap. "I'm gonna cry really quick, if that's okay."

Mitch paused, and then turned to hug Scott sideways. "Go ahead. I'll hold you together."


Alex crossed his arms over his chest, from where he and Avi were standing in the living room together. "Calm now?"

"No, I'm pretty fuckin' pissed off." Avi answered honestly. "And I want to beat the shit out of someone. But I also kinda wanna fuck you, and see if it makes me feel better."

Alex rolled his eyes. "Neither of those things are going to happen."

Avi stepped forward to grab Alex's hips, and pull Alex's body against his own. "Says who?"

Alex shoved his chest harshly, eyes narrow. "Avi, come on. I'm not doing this with you. You're allowed to be upset, but please don't take it out on me."

Avi held onto his hips tightly, and then one hand shot out to grab the front of Alex's shirt. "Why the Hell not?"

Alex smacked his hand away, loudly. "Avi, step off me. Or you and I are gonna get into an argument."

Mitch suddenly walked down the hall. "What are you doing? Can everybody please stop arguing?"

Avi exhaled loudly, holding his hands up in surrender as he stepped away from Alex. "Done. Sorry." He turned to face Mitch. "Where's Scott?"

Mitch just gestured down the hall.

Avi walked past him quickly, not saying another word.

Mitch stepped forward to meet Alex's eyes. "Are you okay?"

Alex nodded once, sharply. "He's just upset. Do we know if Scott's dad is coming back?"

"I mean, probably."


Avi slammed the bedroom door behind himself, and then marched over to sit down beside Scott on the bed.

Scott looked over at him. "Sorry I didn't do a good job..."

"You did a great job, dude. Your dad is an asshole. You couldn't have done any better, honestly."

Scott leaned into his side. "I'm just... I want to be left alone. I don't want to have a family anymore. All they've ever done is hurt me."

"Yeah, well. You've got a new family now. And I'd literally take a bullet for you, so." Avi smacked his back once, really hard.

Scott flinched. "Ow, damn. So you're still upset."

"Yeah. Pretty pissed off. Next time I see Rick's fucking face, I'm gonna kick his fucking ass."

"Yeah me too, dude. We can kick ass together. Like old times."


They all sat on the couch together now, all the windows closed this time.

Scott's phone started ringing, when they were halfway through a movie.

Scott jumped when it did so, and just stared at the phone on the table.

Avi was immediately put back in his angry mood. He snatched the phone, answering it loudly. "What?"

It was Connie. "He's here. I can try to send him back home, if you want."

"I want you to send him far, far away. I'm so sick and fucking tired of you guys fucking his life up more than you already did in the past."

Connie realized who she was speaking to, almost immediately. "Oh... Yes, I know this... And I'm sorry about that. I'm doing my best to stay out of his way."

"Well you're not doing well enough. Now fuck face has our new address."

"I'm sorry about that, Avi. I'm doing my best."

Avi spoke lowly. "Do. Better." And then he hung up.

Scott exhaled in relief. "Avi... You didn't have to do that." He leaned into Mitch suddenly. "I'm so emotionally exhausted... I think I need coffee."

Mitch kissed the side of his head. "I'll make you some, baby. You just sit and relax."

Scott watched him walk away, and grinned. "Thank you, love of my life."

Avi stood from his seat abruptly, and reached out for Alex's hand. "Babe, please. I'm so angry, I'm itchy. Please come with me, please."

Alex sighed at him, but didn't move from his seat. "Babe, please... I don't want to do this when you're so upset. And I don't want to have this argument in front of everyone."

Avi tried to pull his arm lightly. "Please, Allie. I'm beggin' you. I need you."

Scott couldn't help but glance over. "Uhh... Sorry. You guys need me to leave..?"

Avi used him as an excuse. "Scott would do it for me. Please, Lex."

Alex shook his head firmly. "No, Avi. I said no. Go take a cold shower or something."

Scott finally stood from his seat, holding a hand out toward Avi. "Av, dude... He said no. Just drop it."

Avi let go of Alex, quickly moving to hold his hands behind his back. "Shit, sorry... I'm being awful. I'm gonna go for a drive."

He rushed out of the room, without looking anyone in the eye.

Scott was still standing, and he immediately looked down to Alex. "Hey... You okay?"

Alex nodded, and offered him a small smile. "I'm fine... He's just worked up, it's fine."

"Yeah... Probably my bad. Shouldn't have shown him your thirst trap pictures, and then gotten him angry immediately after."


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