Hundred Eight

487 48 13

Mitch was now sitting at a table across from Scott. 

He leaned toward Alex slightly, sitting beside him. "So what was her excuse this time?"

"She said she needed to sleep off her hangover. That's not such a bad excuse."

Mitch just shrugged. "I'm just a little upset that she didn't tell me she invited Kyle to our thing last night."

Avi cleared his throat from across the table, muttering something before shoving a chip into his mouth. "Sounds like a lot of bullshit went down last night."

Mitch glanced at him. "Beg your pardon?"

Scott spoke up quickly. "Please don't, you guys."

Avi sat up tall, looking directly at Mitch. "No, it's fine. He wants to hear it, so. I'm pissed that you didn't tell anyone where you were going. I'm pissed that you could do that to Scott."

Mitch sat up taller as well, in response. "Okay well I'm pissed that you're getting all up in my business about something that doesn't concern you."

Alex recognized the tone, and reached out to set a hand on Avi's hand. "Guys, please... Mitch and Scott have already discussed this, and it's not our concern anymore."

Avi took a deep breath. "Whatever. I'm allowed to be irritated."

Scott finally spoke up, looking away from the entire table. "I do not want to talk about this. And it's about me, which means I get the most say in it."

Mitch frowned at him. "Scottie, I thought we worked it out..? You're still upset?"

Scott sighed. "So, we're talking about it." He paused, and then looked down at his lap. "Of course I'm upset, babe. I wanted to know that you were okay, and you were ghosting me. And then you tried to make me feel invalid when I mentioned that I was upset."

"Well yeah, I just... I said I was sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you, I just got caught up in what was going on."

Scott shook his head. Mitch had already made this argument. "I don't want to talk about this anymore. You apologized, and I'm kinda over it. Just... Will you please text me next time?"

"Yes. I will, okay? I'm sorry."

"All I need is a location, babe. I'm not trying to be your mother, I'm not giving you a curfew or anything. I don't care that you're out for drinks, I trust you to do whatever you want I just.. Want to make sure you're safe."

Avi rolled his eyes. "Hm, I don't think you should trust him, he's being sketchy."

Mitch looked at him quickly. "Why would you say that to me? That's so rude."

"Yeah well, that's how I feel. You did something shitty, and then made him feel shitty for calling you out about it. And that's pretty shitty."

Mitch scoffed, leaning across the table slightly to point at him. "You're getting involved in some shit that has nothing to do with you! Can you absolutely back off?"

"No, Mitch. I won't. Because you're in denial about being shitty. And nobody is gonna call you on it, but me."

Scott suddenly stood from the table. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Avi was quick to grab his arm. "Stop avoiding this conversation, you're the reason I'm in this mess. Mitch is being shitty, and you're letting him get away with it."

"I'm not letting anybody do anything." Scott pulled his arm out of Avi's grasp, but did sit back down to avoid causing a scene. "He apologized, I forgave him and now we move on. Okay?"


Alex went to the bathroom halfway through the meal. 

Avi walked into the bathroom almost a minute later. "Yo, I'm looking for an Alexander."

Alex was washing his hands, as he flinched and looked over. "You found him."

Avi grinned, quickly scanning the bathroom to make sure nobody was there. "I gotta say something to you."

"Go ahead." Alex stepped aside to grab a paper towel to dry his hands. 

"I'm really sorry that I made a comment about how much you ate this morning. Not my business, I know that. I was just... Y'know. I worry about you, that's all."

"Yeah, I know that. You didn't have to apologize again."

Avi stepped forward to grab Alex's hand for a moment. "Yeah I did. I remember how awful I was at the beginning, I don't want to be that guy anymore."

Alex squeezed his hand right back. "Well, I appreciate that." He turned to face Avi. "Do you think Mitch is being irrational?"

"You know that I do. I am being very clear that I feel like that. Do you feel like that too?"

"Only sort of. I just... I'm getting nervous with all the tension in our house."

"Yeah... I guess. And Kirstie really fucked up, trying to resolve her conflict with Mitch by inviting him somewhere to spend time with her and Kyle."

"I know... And now with Scott and Mitch."

"Oh no. You and I are next."

Alex let go of his hand. "Don't do that. You're gonna make us follow some self fulfilling prophecy."

Avi saw the opportunity, and ran with it. He looked down at his hand, which was now without Alex's. "Are we fighting?"

"Shut up, don't play."

"Oh my God, you told me to shut up." Avi crossed his arms over his chest. "We're definitely fighting."


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