Chapter 10: The Captive Dragon ① (plot, attack: Mu Hechi)

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[What the writer wants to say:]

Fu Yan: Huh????What kind of friends do you have? Have you ever slept with a friend? !


[The sixth game: The captive dragon]

[Preliminary summary: You are the evil dragon in this kingdom. Your mission is to capture the princess during her coming-of-age ceremony in this country. However, this king has no daughter, only one son, so you decide to kill her tomorrow. During the prince's coming-of-age ceremony, the prince was captured. 】

[Mission: ① Capture the prince and wait for the brave to rescue; ② Make love with the prince/brave (time limit: five days)]

[Note: Due to the long game duration, the system automatically turns on the memory review mode. 】

Fu Yan's mind flashed through the dragon's life as if watching a movie. After reading the dragon's memories, Fu Yan was surprised to find that the dragon could actually transform into a human.

But yes, what should I do if I don’t change my human form when I have to have sex? Fu Yan pondered for a moment, tomorrow was the prince's coming-of-age ceremony, and he had to go investigate the situation today.

The place where Fu Yan is now is his dragon's nest - a remote cave. There are a lot of shiny gems and gold coins piled around the place where he sleeps. If you look closely, there are even shining stained glass windows of the church.

Yes, as a professional dragon, he loves shiny things the most, so he goes out to search for them from time to time, and he is soon dubbed the Evil Dragon.

Fu Yan transformed into a human form, took out the only coarse cloth from the corner and put it on, and a cute boy from a commoner family was born; he took some gold coins and went to the city to inquire about it. information.

Arriving at the square in the center of the city, Fu Yan saw a lot of people gathering at the notice board, so he slipped over curiously.

It turned out that the cavalry team in the palace was recruiting people, and people around were talking excitedly.

"It would be great if my son could join the cavalry."

"Don't think about it. Only very powerful people can enter the cavalry. I think a brave person will definitely be able to enter."

"I also think, hey, isn't that a brave man? Just say it."

Everyone seemed to know the brave man, and as soon as Fu Yan heard that one of the matches had appeared, he hurriedly hid in a nearby alley.

"Brave, the cavalry team is recruiting people, are you going to participate?"

Fu Yan quietly listened to their words. The next second the brave voice came out, Fu Yan's eyes widened and he turned into a kitten with explosive fur.

"I won't go. I'm not interested in this. I just want to catch the dragon as soon as possible." The man's low and slightly smiling voice sounded.

It's this guy Mu Chen! Why is it him again? ! Fu Yan frowned and glanced over. Mu Chen was facing him and chatting with the people around him. He was wearing a knight's uniform with only a corner tucked into his trousers. He had white trousers, boots, and a handful at his waist. The long sword is handsome and a little casual, looking very human-like.

What a pity it’s a beast! Fu Yan recalled certain memories and felt extremely disgusted.

After Mu Chen left, Fu Yan decided to see who the prince was. He found the captain of the cavalry team who posted the recruitment information, gave him a few gold coins, and successfully became a cavalry reserve member, entering the palace to wait for training.

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