Chapter 60: The healing apocalyptic villain (plot, Xiaoyan will marry us in the

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Chapter 60: The healing apocalyptic villain (plot, Xiaoyan will marry us in the future)

[What the writer wants to say:]

The story ends in the next chapter!


The construction of the new base on Fuyan's side is slowly progressing, while the base in City B on the other side——

"Have you heard? There is a new base in City B, and Lu Linzhi and the others are also there!"

"Why? Our base's resources are better, right? The leaders are trying every possible means to keep them."

"It is said that it is because the boss of that base is a very powerful healing power user..."

"Healing superpower?!"

The people around me who were listening to the gossip suddenly became excited. There are very few people with healing powers. Currently, the only way to treat someone bitten by a zombie is to find someone with healing powers. However, the three healers in the base People with special powers are basically busy treating mid-to-high-level superpowers. They, the low-level superpowers and ordinary people, have no chance at all.

"The base has just started to be built. If I join them, can I let the healing power user save my life in the future?" A junior power user couldn't help but said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was ready to take action.

"I advise you not to go." Ye Qiao, who had been listening in the corner, couldn't help but say, "I didn't want to say it at first, but I don't want to see you being driven away... That healing power user is called Fu Yan , He, he is Fu Rui’s son! It’s Dean Fu who studies zombie viruses!”

Everyone was in an uproar, and they were extremely angry when they thought of the man who caused the world to become hell.

"That Fu Yan is always willing to spend money. After I knew his identity, I just doubted him. When he left, he wounded me with a gun! If he hadn't been far from the base at that time, I might have died outside." Shi Guangqi pointed to the bandage on his shoulder and said bitterly.

"This..." Everyone looked at each other in confusion and gave up the idea of ​​going to Fu Yan. Instead, they listened to Ye Qiao and Shi Guangqi talking about how "vicious" Fu Yan was.

Among them, there were some down-and-out superpowers and ordinary people who silently left this place without waiting for Ye Qiao and Shi Guangqi to finish.

The next morning, many people left the base in City B for reasons such as going out to find supplies to kill zombies. Some even brought their sick and thin children with them, and headed towards Fu Yan's new base as soon as they left.

They found Fu Yan's base. The gatekeeper saw them from a high place and quickly went to find Lu Linzhi, Fu Yan and the others. After a while, he opened the gate to let them in.

"Why are you here?" Fu Yan looked curiously at the supernatural beings and ordinary people who had arranged to come together.

"You, are you Fu Yan?" One of the scrawny couples knelt down anxiously holding an unconscious boy, "You are a healer, right? Can you please save our child! You Let us do anything! Please..."

Fu Yan frowned slightly, squatted down and quickly checked the boy's body, and found a deep scratch and rotten mark on the boy's back.

"Scratched by a zombie!" Fu Yan immediately used his superpower, and the boy was enveloped in a bright white light. After a while, the light disappeared, and the boy's purple face returned to its normal paleness, and he fell asleep quietly.

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