Chapter 37: My childhood sweethearts all want me to be a child bride (these beas

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Chapter 37: My childhood sweethearts all want me to be a child bride (these beasts want to do bad things again)

[What the writer wants to say:]

Next chapter, cake play~


"How do you know I live here?" Fu Yan was shocked. Why can't he get rid of these guys after school?

"Although you moved away before, we are childhood sweethearts, Xiaoyan, and we all live in this villa area." Ji Shiyu smiled softly.

"Xiao Yan, who is that?" Fu's mother's voice came from behind. When she saw Lu Linzhi and the others, she was stunned, and then said with surprise on her face: "It's you!"

Fu's mother still remembers these little boys who played with her sons every day when they were young. She didn't expect that they would all be so handsome now, but her son still looked so immature.

Fu's mother hurriedly invited the people in. Seeing her son's sullen expression of disdain for them, she couldn't help but tugged Fu Yan's ears angrily and funnyly, and asked him to hurry up and pour tea for the guests.

"No, I'll do it." Lu Linzhi said in a deep voice. After handing the gift to Fu's mother, he picked up the teapot and poured tea for himself and others.

Fu Yan made a face at Fu's mother, looking confident.

"Don't be too spoiled by this brat." Fu's mother smiled angrily. It was the same when she was a child. No matter what Fu Yan wanted, these children would agree unconditionally and doted on her son to the point of being lawless. Marry your brothers.

"Auntie, Xiaoyan is very good." Ji Shiyu smiled slightly and touched Fu Yan's hair.

"Yeah! Xiaoyan is still very cute~" Chi Yanyang showed a bright smile.

Fu's mother was very happy when she heard this. She likes to hear other people praise her precious son the most!

Fu Yan stood up with some embarrassment and quickly took them to his room, not wanting to hear these people say shameful words again.

Fu Yan's room was very spacious and clean, mainly blue and white. There was also a separate bathroom in the room. Fu Yan moved a small blue round table to the carpet next to the bed to serve as a small coffee table, then sat down on the floor, and the others Also sat next to him.

"Here you go." Lu Linzhi said in a low voice and put the bag he had been carrying on the table.

"What is this?" Fu Yan was curious. He opened the bag and saw six different exquisite cakes neatly placed inside.

"Small cake!" Fu Yan's eyes lit up and he looked at Lu Linzhi with bright cat eyes: "Did you make this?"

"Yes." Lu Linzhi nodded calmly, "I promised you last week."

"Baby, let me tell you, don't look at how well these cakes are made, the cakes Lu Linzhi made when he first started learning a few days ago were black hahaha!" Mu Chen broke the news with evil intentions.

The expression on Lu Linzhi's face was unmoving, and he glanced at Mu Chen lightly.

Fu Yan couldn't help but curl his lips, took out the small cakes, and looked at them with some confusion, not knowing which flavor to choose.

"What flavor do you want to eat?" Fu Yan gave up his choice and looked at the others, wanting them to choose first.

"Xiao Yan, you can eat them all." Chi Yanyang laughed seeing Fu Yan's extremely confused look.

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