Chapter 16: The Imprisoned Mermaid ② (Plot)

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[What the writer wants to say:]

Fu Yan: Yu Wen, the match, looks too weak! He's handsome, good-looking and can't beat me, perfect!

(Sub-personality appears)

Fu Yan: Who are you? ! Bring back the well-behaved Yu Wen!


The next day, while Fu Yan was still sleeping, he was woken up by a noisy quarrel. Dean Li was having a heated discussion with other researchers on how to study him.

Ji Shiyu and Yu Wen stood aside, very calm.

Dean Li's eyes were red. In order to research the secret of immortality, he had not slept for two days, but the research had not made any progress.

"I don't believe it!" Dean Li pressed the button and asked the researcher on the side to take Fu Yan out and conduct the experiment again.

Dean Li indifferently used a scalpel to make a cut on Fu Yan's stomach, and bright red blood flowed out. He stared at the red color with heavy eyes, not knowing what he was thinking about.

The tip of the knife moved to the mermaid's chest and stopped at the heart. Dean Li leaned slightly, staring at Fu Yan with fanatical and paranoid eyes, "I know you understand, if your flesh and blood research can't produce results. , then next time it will be your heart!”

Everyone around was completely silent, and no one dared to disturb them at this time.

Ji Shiyu still had a gentle smile on his face. He looked at Fu Yan who was being slaughtered on the operating bed, with a hint of cold pity in his eyes. However, the player's eyes were not afraid at all, but rather interesting.

Yu Wen, on the other hand, didn't care at all, just looking at the corner and immersed in his own thoughts.

When Dean Li saw that Fu Yan had no reaction, he straightened up with a cold snort. As usual, he began to take various research samples from Fu Yan's body. The other researchers also followed suit and frantically left wounds on the mermaid's body, holding the samples as if they were harvested. Treasure.

Fu Yan closed his eyes tightly, enduring the coldness of the surgical instruments on his body and the severe pain of countless wounds. This feeling reminded him of the days when he was constantly injured and even on the verge of death during training in his previous life.

After more than an hour, this one-way torture finally ended. The researchers left excitedly with the samples they obtained, leaving only Ji Shiyu and Yu Wen who were told to return the mermaid to the tank.

Ji Shiyu looked at Fu Yan who was covered in bruises and asked softly with some distress: "Are you... okay?"

Fu Yan's dark eyes looked at Ji Shiyu quietly, without the strength to speak.

"Let me help you take care of the wound." Ji Shiyu smiled gently, picked up the tweezers on the side, and carefully wiped Fu Yan's wound with cotton dipped in iodine, very attentively and seriously.

Fu Yan obediently watched Ji Shiyu clean the wound. After applying painkillers, he suddenly felt better. He couldn't help but show a cute and cute smile and said softly: "Thank you."

Ji Shiyu smiled and said warmly: "Believe me, I will help you escape."

"...Yeah." Fu Yan nodded slightly, his eyes showing his trust in Ji Shiyu.

If a person who has just been tortured meets someone who can save him, he will definitely grab this life-saving straw with all his strength, right? I wonder if he can act like it?

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