Chapter 25: The mysterious mountain village ⑤ (somewhat childish Ji Shiyu)

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"Well..." When Fu Yan woke up, the sun had risen very high outside, and the sunlight shone through the window on the windowsill, making it warm.

Fu Yan's whole body was sore. He remembered how he was tortured to death last night and sighed sadly. After a while, he slowly got up and went downstairs to find something to eat.

Before reaching downstairs, Fu Yan heard Tan Yan's voice. He was trying to chat with Lu Linzhi, but unfortunately, Lu Linzhi, a straight man, would not pay attention to her.

Fu Yan came downstairs. As soon as the men in the living room heard the movement, their eyes immediately focused on him.

"Xiao Yan~ You're awake!" Chi Yanyang was the first to rush forward, circling Fu Yan like a big dog.

"I'm hungry..." Fu Yan said weakly, looking at Lu Linzhi aggrievedly.

Lu Linzhi stood up, walked to the kitchen, and ordered Fu Yan in his deep and pleasant voice: "Wait, I'll be ready soon."

Tan Yan was puzzled and jealous. Brother Lu actually wanted to cook for this person he just met? ! and! What's going on with the marks on this man's neck? !

Fu Yan didn't have any extra clothes. He was wearing a T-shirt by Chi Yanyang. It was a little loose and exposed his delicate collarbone. There were several red and purple kiss marks on his neck and collarbone, and there were also There were several bite marks.

At a glance, you can tell how hard the man kissed you and how intense the sex was last night.

Tan Yan's eyes were red with jealousy and he glared at Fu Yan hatefully.

Fu Yan noticed Tan Yanfei's kind gaze and felt a little helpless, but he didn't have the energy to explain, and indeed there was nothing to explain.

After a while, Lu Linzhi came out with a bowl of fragrant beef, mushroom, and egg porridge. Some vegetables and other ingredients were added to it, which looked particularly rich.

Sitting at the dining table, Fu Yan's eyes lit up and he looked at Lu Linzhi expectantly.

"Be careful of scalding." Lu Linzhi reminded him with a slight frown as he sat aside and watched Fu Yan scoop up a spoonful and stuff it into his mouth.

Fu Yan was burned and stuck out his tongue in embarrassment.

"Baby, how about I feed you?" Mu Chen held up his face and looked at Fu Yan affectionately, very eager to feed Fu Yan.

"No, thank you." Fu Yan hummed and ignored Mu Chen.

Tan Yan couldn't help but clenched her fists when she saw the gentle attitude Lu Linzhi and others had towards Fu Yan. This male vixen was so shameless in seducing her brother Lu! She would never let him succeed!

Tan Yan left angrily, and no one paid attention.

Fu Yan finished the porridge happily, and the others went to prepare things to burn down the village, while Ji Shiyu stayed at home and took a nap with Fu Yan.

"Why you?" Fu Yan was hugged by Ji Shiyu and protested in a muffled voice, "I can sleep alone."

"Sleep well or... do some bed exercises?" Ji Shiyu said gently, "Choose one."

"...Sleep!" Fu Yan turned over angrily, turning his back to Ji Shiyu. This man was still so irritating!

Ji Shiyu curled his lips slightly, Xiao Yan's reaction was always funny~ He took the boy into his arms from behind, kissed Fu Yan's hair gently, and coaxed softly: "Go to sleep, good afternoon."

In the man's warm embrace, Fu Yan slowly felt sleepy and fell asleep peacefully.


When Fu Yan woke up after a full sleep, Ji Shiyu was still sleeping quietly holding him, but he didn't know when he turned over to face him again.

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