Chapter 35: My childhood sweethearts all want me to be a child bride (‎‍‍‌Gao‍‍‎

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Chapter 35: My childhood sweethearts all want me to be a child bride (‎‍‍‌Gao‍‍‎H‎‌‍‌‎, pissed on by‍‍‎菏‎‍‍‌‎)


The campus is bustling after school. Young students are participating in various sports and sweating in the playground and gymnasium. In the student president's room on the third floor of one of the teaching buildings, intense "exercises" are also going on.

"Haah...slow down, slow down! It's so deep..."

Only the three of them, Lu Linzhi, were in the student council president's room. A young man's moans could be heard faintly. In the room, a slender young man's upper body uniform was messy, and his small nipples on his chest were rubbed. The red and swollen skin was covered with thin, fragrant sweat; the boy's lower body was naked, and his snow-white thighs were held tightly by the man in front of him. Between his widely spread legs, there was a purple-black hideous ‎‍‌ The cock is rapidly pumping and inserting into the boy’s small hole, causing water to splash everywhere, and the boy is holding it behind him. The sound of a thick penis and the slapping of flesh echoed in every corner of the room.

The boy's hands were not idle either. He held a man's big cock in one hand and started stroking it. His whole body was surrounded by the man's genitals, and his face was filled with pleasure and‌‍ ‎‍Love‎‍‎‌‍Desire‎‍soaked‍‎‌lewd‍‎‌chaos‌‎‌look makes men want to ‍‌coat him to death‎‌here!

Lu Linzhi thrust his waist and hips fiercely, and the big cock slammed over the sensitive spots in Fu Yan's body and kept hitting the cervix! And Ji Shiyu was also panting and touching the center of the hole. There was only a thin layer between the two penises, and they moved in and out at the same time in a tacit understanding, playing with the boy's small penis. A large amount of ‍‌obscene‌‌‎water‌‎ was poured on their ‎‌‎‍turtle‎‍‌heads‌‍‌‎‍, as if soaking in a hot spring, refreshing and comfortable.

Fu Yan‌‌‍‎‎ was fucked until he lost all strength. His whole body was strung up on the two men, and two big cocks were thrust in. It was deep and hard, and the pleasure flowed through the whole body like electric current, crackling and exploding. Fu Yan whimpered, his forehead was wet and stuck to his skin, and his tear-filled eyes were in a daze from the ‌‎‍‎‌菏‎‍ Absence.

"Woo--" Fu Yan's body kept shaking, and the penis in front of him was fucked so hard that he ejaculated out of it! Fu Yan struggled slightly, and the soft flesh in the small ‍‍‌hole‍‎ contracted crazily, sucking the man on him even harder and fucking him with his huge and long cock. ‎‍‎Ba‌‎‌‍‎ mercilessly tore through the layers of soft flesh and hit the deepest part ferociously, not allowing him to escape at all.

"Ugh... uncomfortable... you guys, ha... cum..." After an unknown amount of time, Fu Yan cried out in frustration. His lower abdomen was sore and swollen. Every time the man pushed against him, his body could not help but tremble. A large stream of heat gushed out, the ‌‍‍‎‎small‍‍‌hole‍‎ was rubbed sore and numb, and the ‌‍‌‌‍‍‎‍‌‌‍‌‌‍‎‎ was fucked until it became erect, on the verge of the critical point of release.

Without saying a word, Lu Linzhi and Ji Shiyu violently thrust and thrust into each other. Their thick genitals were roughly rubbed and thrust into the boy's sensitive and congested hole. Yan's little butt was turned red by the collision between the two.

Lu Linzhi's big ‌‎‍‎‍cock‌‎‍‎butt ‌‎‌‍‎ fiercely pushed into the cervix of the uterus. Fu Yan's pupils shrank, and the pleasure exploded instantly! Fu Yan's whole body was trembling, and he reached an orgasm in an instant. The small holes in his front and back spasmed and contracted wildly, and a large amount of sexual fluids gushed out. After pouring it on their genitals, the pink and tender penis in front of them also ejected a thin amount of semen!

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