Chapter 64: The summoned demon is disobedient (someone in the plot does bad thin

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Chapter 64: The summoned demon is disobedient (someone in the plot does bad things because others cannot see them)

[What the writer wants to say:]

Next chapter Xiaoyan is going to be teased in class


Fu Yan looked at Ye Qiao in front of him, and after a brief thought, he roughly understood what the other party was thinking; he had never doubted his own strength, but this time it was really a bit bad... Fu Yan looked at the failed summons just now. magic circle, will it succeed if I try again?

"Ye Qiao, he is the last one. He can't beat you. There is no need for you to compete with him." A girl advised in a low voice. Ye Qiao seemed to be a bit bullying like this. In the past, she wouldn't have said anything. But now they know that Fu Yan and Senior Chi know each other! In case the other party files a complaint...

Only then did Ye Qiao suddenly realize that in the eyes of others, his taking the initiative to compete with Fu Yan felt a bit like bullying. He lowered his head sadly and whispered: "I, I just like Senior Chi too much..."

People in the class had always had a high profile for Ye Qiao, but now that they saw how sad he was in love, they couldn't bear it and said they understood him.

The teacher in class did not stop Ye Qiao's competition at all. After all, in this world, strength means everything.

"Come on, let's compete." Fu Yan was too lazy to listen to their continued nonsense and interrupted them directly.

Although he was not 100% sure of success, he probably found the trick after the previous summons.

The two began to summon demons.

Fu Yan took a deep breath and saw Lu Linzhi and Mu Chen nodding towards him, not worried at all that he would lose. Fu Yan calmed down and slowly output his magic into the magic circle. Last time he The magic output was too fast and the mental power could not be converted. This time he had to maintain a stable output.

Ye Qiao, who was beside him, continuously injected a large amount of magic from the original body into the magic array. The magic array lit up with dazzling white light. After a while, the light became brighter, and a strong lion appeared in the middle of the magic array.

"It's probably a middle-level eight-level demon, very good!" The teacher of the summoning class is responsible for the appraisal. Demons are divided into three levels: junior high, high school, and high. Each level is divided into 1-10 levels from low to high. Level eight is quite high. .

Ye Qiao smiled modestly, enjoying the compliments from others.

Fu Yan was still slowly and continuously injecting magic into the magic circle, and his mental power was changing the output in an orderly manner. Although the light of the magic circle was still relatively weak, it was very stable.

"Look at this light, even if he does summon it, it will only be a low-level demon at most, right?" The people around him whispered.

Five minutes passed, and the magic circle's light became much brighter.

"Why does it take so long? Will it fail this time?" "But the light has not dimmed, which means it is still summoning." "Does he have so much magic? Why can he still pour it into it after so long?"

Ten or twenty minutes passed, and everyone was speechless. They watched in disbelief as the light of the magic circle gradually changed from dazzling white to golden! Fu Yan's face was very focused and calm, with no sign of magic overdraft!

They had only seen the golden light in textbooks, and it was said that only super-powerful summoners could do it! And Fu Yan, a mere loser who is at the bottom of the class and has never been successfully summoned, how could he...

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