Chapter 50: Game over, multiplayer game begins

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The next day, the Lu family collectively skipped work and classes to rest at home.

Fu Yan was lying lazily on the sofa, his head resting on Lu Linzhi's thigh, watching TV series and eating the fruit handed over by Yu Wen. His snow-white feet kept swaying, enjoying it very much.

For the first time, Yu Wen didn't play his favorite game. Instead, Fu Yan asked him to feed fruit on the grounds of "punishment" because the other guy in the bathroom last night went too far, and he couldn't bear it for a while. Can't live...

Yu Wen watched Fu Yan obediently accept his feeding like a cute kitten, and suddenly felt that doing such a thing seemed... not bad.

"Oh, I won't be able to see Xiaoyan until next week again~" Chi Yanyang sighed in disappointment.

"Maybe you will annoy me soon if I see you every day." Fu Yan snorted and lightly kicked Chi Yanyang with his little foot, "Do you know that distance creates beauty?"

"No way..." Chi Yanyang pursed his lips, grabbed Fu Yan's calf and kissed it.

Ji Shiyu suddenly remembered something and looked at Lu Linzhi, only to find that Lu Linzhi was staring seriously at Fu Yan, who was resting on his thigh. He couldn't help but sigh helplessly in his heart, and turned to Fu Yan, " Xiaoyan, the next game may have a multiplayer mode.”

"Ah, yes, I almost forgot!" Chi Yanyang also remembered this matter.

"Multiplayer mode?" Fu Yan blinked. Isn't this what Sister Rong Lu told him?

"Yes, the system will require you to enter the game at the same time. The game world in multiplayer mode will be much larger. We may not be able to see it right away." Ji Shiyu touched Fu Yan's hair and said with a smile: "So Xiaoyan, if you are alone at the beginning of the next game, you must protect yourself."

Fu Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and showed a confident smile: "Are you still worried that I can't beat others?"

Ji Shiyu was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but hold his forehead and smile. Indeed, with Xiaoyan's skills, few people could beat him, but he still couldn't help but worry about what was going on?

"If we are bound, we can contact each other through the system. If we are not together by then, we will go find you." Mu Chen clicked the bracelet on his wrist and smiled slightly: "If the baby encounters any danger, , call me at any time, I am happy to be a hero and save the beauty~"

"Don't worry, there won't be a chance for you to appear." Fu Yan made a face at Mu Chen and happily ate the strawberry sent by Yu Wen.

"Be careful of a person named Su Tianzong." Lu Linzhi suddenly whispered, looking at Fu Yan seriously with his dark eyes.

"What's wrong with this person?" Fu Yan asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just that he has always been unwilling to replace us, but it's a pity that he is not as powerful as us~" Chi Yanyang said with a venomous tongue.

"So he has been looking for opportunities to kill us. Before meeting you, our mental power could not be repaired. Now that we have bound you, he will definitely not let us recover easily like this if he knows it." Ji Shiyu He smiled gently and said, "He will probably attack you, Xiaoyan, so be careful when you meet him."

"That's it~" Fu Yan suddenly realized it and responded with a smile: "I know!" If he meets this person then, should he kill him directly or torture him for a while~

As soon as the game was over, Fu Yan came back and went directly to the bar to tell Rong Lu about the multiplayer game.

"Wait, wait a minute!" After hearing what Fu Yan said about the last game, Rong Lu came up to Fu Yan and pulled his face hard, "What did you just say?! Are you with Captain Lu and the others?! !!”

Fu Yan blinked in confusion, nodded, and spoke in a slurred voice: "Well, what's wrong?"

"You actually said a word about such a big thing?!" Rong Lu was heartbroken. God knows, she was guessing every week which captain would succeed in winning Fu Yan's heart. As a result, this brat was suddenly with everyone. Together! Hasn't she lost the fun of guessing? !

"Come on, tell me, who of them confessed first?" Rong Lu looked excited.

"...Sister Rong Lu, shouldn't the most important thing now be telling everyone about the multiplayer game?" Fu Yan asked curiously after taking a bite of the cake.

"I already publicized this matter last week. They should be mentally prepared. Don't worry." Rong Lu waved her big hand to hold Fu Yan down, "So tell me about you and the big guys~ "

"I'm not worried either..." Fu Yan murmured softly. He looked at Rong Lu staring at him with burning eyes and said helplessly: "I know, I said it's not okay!"

"Who confessed first?"

"Well... let me think about it... Yu Wen."

"Oh? I didn't expect him to be the most low-key Captain Yu! A real man hides his secrets!" Rong Lu couldn't help but be surprised when she heard this unexpected name.

"But why did they confess to you? Suddenly enlightened? I thought it would take a long time!" Rong Lu was a little confused, "What happened to you?"

"Uh..." Fu Yan's eyes wandered. How could he say that he made them jealous and angry, and they found out about it...

"Xiao Yan, hurry up and get real!" Rong Lu knew there must be something wrong when she saw Fu Yan's look.

Fu Yan thought for a while and said honestly with a smile: "They got jealous when they saw me getting closer to another man. Then they thought about it sadly all night, and finally figured out that they like me!"

"...Really or not?" Rong Lu was shocked. Seeing Fu Yan nodding vigorously, she was surprised to believe it. She didn't expect the bosses to be so delicate at heart and feel sad all night because of jealousy!

Fu Yan silently sipped his drink and thought to himself, luckily Lu Linzhi and the others were not here.

Rong Lu's husband Yu Feibai, who listened to everything, said:...

Lu Lie suddenly contacted him last night and told him about Fu Yan and asked him to report some of Fu Yan's main activities in the City of Desire. So, should he tell his boss what he just said?

"Dip——Important notification from the system!"

"Attention all players, the multiplayer game mode is officially launched! The game rules have been updated, please check it carefully."

"Player Fu Yan, please enter the game warehouse on time between 12:00 and 12:30 noon next Monday to start the game. Violators will be directly eliminated!"

"The number of players in this round is 50, and the number of matches is 637."

"The game is about to start, so stay tuned."


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