Chapter 73: The idol who was fucked by fans (being shamelessly pursued)

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The next day, Fu Yan opened his eyes in a daze. As soon as his mind recalled what he had encountered in the lounge last night, he suddenly woke up. He sat up suddenly, his whole body felt soft and painful.

This is... his room... Fu Yan looked at this familiar room in confusion. He was still in the lounge when he lost consciousness last night. What happened now? Who sent him back? Fu Yan suddenly became nervous. Did that person see what he looked like last night?

Fu Yan forced himself to crawl out of bed. He put on the pajamas that someone put on him and opened the door.

"Xiao Yan, you're awake!" When Chi Yanyang saw Fu Yan in the living room, he happily waved to him.

In the living room on the left, Mu Chen and the four of them were sitting on the sofa, each looking at their mobile phones, while in the open kitchen on the right, Lu Linzhi was cooking food attentively.

Fu Yan's eyes widened in disbelief. Everything that happened last night suddenly came to his mind. Fu Yan glared angrily at the men in front of him, "Why are you in my house?!"

Mu Chen tilted his head and chuckled, and said frivolously: "Because we want to send you back, baby. Could it be that... Xiaoyan actually likes to let others see your lustful and slutty look?"

"No!" Fu Yan was furious at Mu Chen, "You strong and raped criminals! What on earth are you doing here?"

Mu Chen raised her face and slightly raised her lips. Fu Yan was stunned for a second by his handsome appearance, and then the man's deep voice sounded: "We like you, so we decided to pursue you~"

"Huh?!" Fu Yan was completely stunned and began to doubt his ears, but looking at the serious eyes of Mu Chen and the others, Fu Yan laughed angrily and didn't believe what they said at all: "I don't believe you! I will never forgive you for what you did to me last night! Get out of here right now!"

"It doesn't matter if you refuse." Ji Shiyu said gently: "We have decided to pursue you. Regardless of whether you refuse or not, we will do what we decide."

"It doesn't matter if Xiaoyan doesn't like me now, I will try my best to make you like me~" Chi Yanyang smiled cheerfully.

"..." Fu Yan was so angry at these people's shamelessness that he didn't know what to say. At this time, Lu Linzhi brought over the prepared breakfast, which was fragrant.

"Come for breakfast." Lu Linzhi said in a low voice, looking at Fu Yan who looked angry.

"...I won't eat." Fu Yan snorted and turned away, but his eyes would occasionally glance at the bowl of porridge that was full of color, flavor and flavor. His stomach screamed with hunger. Fu Yan covered his stomach in shame and tried his best. Ignore the men with a straight face.

"You can't be angry when you're hungry. You have to eat breakfast first before you have the energy to scold us, right?" Ji Shiyu said gently.

Fu Yan was a little moved, mainly because the bowl of porridge made by this man was so delicious! Moreover, Lu Linzhi cooked with his own ingredients, so why couldn't he eat it... Fu Yan gradually convinced himself.

"...I just don't want to waste food." Fu Yan said coldly, then walked to the dining table and sat down. He looked at the fragrant shrimp and celery porridge in front of him, couldn't wait to take a spoonful of it, and blew it gently. He blew it and put it into his mouth. The fragrant red and white shrimps and crisp diced celery were mixed together. It was so delicious that Fu Yan's movements immediately sped up a bit.

Lu Linzhi looked at Fu Yan eating the food he cooked obediently and enjoyably, slightly curling his lips and showing a very faint smile.

After a while, Fu Yan finished a large bowl of porridge and put down his spoon with satisfaction. Lu Linzhi took away the bowl and spoon without saying a word. Fu Yan looked at Lu Linzhi's back and muttered in his heart: I didn't expect this man to be so tall. He looks so scary, but his cooking is so delicious...

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