Chapter 69: Xiaoyan went crazy

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[What the writer wants to say:]

Take care of the Zerg and the villains and move on to the next game soon!


Two days before Fu Yan quit the game, he remembered what Lu Linzhi and the others said and stayed in the room without going out. When he found that everything was calm outside, he hesitated and decided to go to the bar to ask Rong Lu.

Rong Lu and Rong Lu's husband Yu Feibai told Fu Yan about the current situation. Su Tianzong had escaped and the Zerg invaded, so the situation was not good.

Fu Yan frowned slightly. Although he knew the strength of Lu Linzhi and the others, he still couldn't help but worry.

"Didi! Didi!!!" Suddenly, the alarm sounded throughout the City of Desire!

All the players were stunned and looked around blankly. Someone looked up and suddenly shouted in confusion and nervousness: "Something is flying down from the sky!"

At this time, City of Desire's system broadcast a voice on everyone's wristband: "An incoming Zerg attack has been detected! Players please return to your houses immediately and never go out!"

The announcement was repeated three times, and the players looked at each other. Although they were confused by the word Zerg, which they had no idea about, they clearly knew that they were dangerous and hurriedly rushed to get in the car and go home. The city was suddenly in chaos.

In the bar, Yu Feibai was shocked when he heard the sound of the system. How could the Zerg appear here? !

There is a jammer installed in the City of Desire. It is impossible for the Zerg to discover this place unless someone deliberately attracts it!

Yu Feibai immediately went into the room and took out special bullets to deal with the Zerg. There were very few guards in the City of Desire, and it would be difficult for them to deal with the Zerg, but now they could only rely on them.

"Fu Yan, go back quickly. The house can at least resist the Zerg for a while. Don't come out!" Yu Feibai said something to Rong Lu, then looked at Fu Yan and warned him seriously, and then left in a hurry.

Fu Yan said goodbye to Rong Lu and came to the streets of the central city. There were fewer people on the streets, but there were still some players who had not been able to find a car to leave. They were hiding in the shopping mall and looking at the sky anxiously and fearfully.

Fu Yan looked at the sky. A group of strange and huge insects were making a buzzing sound and quickly descending from a high altitude. The sound made his brain feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Well... my head hurts..." There were groans in the mall. Fu Yan looked over and saw that some players were covering their heads with pain on their faces. Other players seemed to have headaches, but the symptoms were not that serious. .

Could it be that... Lu Linzhi and the others said that the Zerg would damage people's mental strength? Is this the case?

The bugs were getting closer and closer to the ground. Only then did everyone see what these bugs looked like, and they couldn't help but look horrified.

The Zerg were much larger than they thought, with a height of two meters. The two protruding super-large compound eyes kept turning, as if looking for food. The mouthparts under the eyes revealed sharp fangs, and the most shocking thing was that the Zerg was much larger than they thought. What people fear is their limbs! There are densely packed sharp serrations on the forelimbs, and there are fine spikes on the hind limbs. No matter where they are, they can't help but scare people.

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