Chapter 5: The Caught Thief (Part 1)

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[What the writer wants to say:]

Xiaoyan: It’s over, I’m going to be eaten!


In Rong Lu's bar, Fu Yan complained to Rong Lu while eating dessert.

"That guy is so careless and talkative." Fu Yan remembered the word "baby" and with great disgust, he picked up a piece of cake and ate it in one bite. He chewed hard as if he was biting something other than cake.

Rong Lu was amused by Fu Yan's childish appearance and reminded Fu Yan to be careful next time he meets him.

Fu Yan said vaguely with the cake in his mouth: "How can we meet him next time in a random match? The probability is too low."

"Yes." Rong Lu nodded. Unless the two of them were bound, the chance of seeing them again was very small.

"Humph, let's not talk about him." Fu Yan looked at the time and his eyes suddenly lit up, "Quick, quick, quick, "The Temptation of Leaving Home" is about to start!"

"..." Why does Xiaoyan like to watch this kind of mindless urban drama that she doesn't even watch! ! ! Rong Lu reluctantly turned on the floating projection screen, tuned to the Star Channel, and watched the TV series with Fu Yan.

In the accommodation area to the north of the military region, there is the largest luxury villa in the innermost area, which is the residence of the five leaders of the military region.

A room on the second floor of the villa has a very clean and cold style, mainly black and white and gray. Apart from basic furniture, there is no extra decoration.

"Lin Zhi, why are you so free to find me today?" Mu Chen came in, slumped on the sofa very casually, and looked at the captain of the first military team, who was standing in front of the desk and carefully cleaning his gun, and the boss of the five of them - —Lu Linzhi.

Lu Linzhi has a tall and tall body, with neat short hair, cold and striking facial features, sharp eyebrows, and a ferocious scar above the corner of his eyebrow. Although it does not ruin the overall tough and handsome appearance, others will still be confused when they see him. Unable to bear the fear, Lu Linzhi took the well-maintained gun back to his waist, his temperament was calm and restrained, but he unconsciously exuded a dangerous aura.

Lu Linzhi looked at Mu Chen with calm eyes and a low voice: "I heard that you were killed in the game."

"Ahem! Who did you listen to?!" Mu Chen choked on the water he just drank. "Did the people in the treatment department tell you?"

Lu Linzhi asked in a deep voice, "So what's going on?"

Mu Chen quickly explained to save face: "I was just careless! I'm still better than him."

Mu Chen recalled Fu Yan's skills: "But this player is indeed very powerful. In terms of hand-to-hand combat, he should beat Shi Yu."

"And... there is something interesting about him." Mu Chen curled his lips slightly, looking forward to the next mission more and more. He stood up, looked at Lu Linzhi's slightly questioning eyes, and said mysteriously: "For now Keep it a secret for now, and I’ll tell you after I confirm it.”

After saying that, Mu Chen left with a happy pace.

[The fourth game: The captured thief]

[Preliminary summary: You are a notorious thief who specializes in stealing rare and valuable gems, and you can always successfully escape from the police. This time the police specially transferred an experienced criminal policeman from the provincial department to arrest you. . 】

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