Chapter 53: The healing apocalyptic villain (kill high-level zombies and meet ea

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Chapter 53: The healing apocalyptic villain (kill high-level zombies and meet each other)

[What the writer wants to say:]

Mu Chen: Finally I saw my baby, it’s time to sleep together~


"Ambush, several people were found in the supermarket!"

"Is anyone injured?" Fu Yan looked at Lu Linzhi's subordinates who were reporting to him.

"One of the wounds was infected a few days ago and is now running a fever."

"Take me to have a look." Fu Yan jumped out of the car and followed his temporary "subordinates" to treat the patient.

After confirming at the gas station that he was really Fu Yan, these people decided to follow him and appointed him as their captain. They also reported to him some people who needed treatment on the way.

Fu Yan didn't have any extra kindness. He just saw those ordinary people and players who had no powers in the apocalypse, and thought of his former self, so he decided to take them with him.

Fu Yan used his supernatural powers to heal the infected people. Among the people rescued this time, there were also players. Thanks to Rong Lu, these players knew that they were from the main military area, so they would let go of their wariness and be willing to follow them.

Gao Lingfeng and Xu Chenxing, on the other hand, thoroughly carried forward Fu Yan's "teachings" and told almost every player what Fu Yan said, completely leading many players to become Fu Yan's loyal fans; especially when they saw the matching of the main military region. The lovers all obeyed Fu Yan's words, and felt more awe in their hearts, and were no longer so afraid of their matches.

Fu Yan felt the adoring gazes of the players and slightly curled his lips. It shouldn't be a big problem to lead all the players to bad, right?

Along the way, they rescued people while driving towards City B. Soon their team grew to a team of forty or fifty people, and they were getting closer and closer to City B.

After getting off the highway, Fu Yan and the others drove towards the suburbs of City B.

"Wait! Something's not right ahead!" The matchmaker in the main military area at the front saw a resort ahead with a solemn expression. As a relatively high-level superpower user, he could clearly feel the heavy pressure and danger ahead, but Their car had to pass the resort in front.

"Ambush team, what should we do?" The sky was about to get dark, and they had to find a place to rest, but the place to rest was in front, and there was no suitable resting place in the places passing behind them.

Fu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly. His mental power level was higher than others. He could clearly sense the existence of high-level zombies in front of him. If they didn't kill them, they wouldn't be able to get through here; if they wanted to take a detour, they might have to Take a few days.

"Those who don't have superpowers and those whose level is lower than level three will stay here. The others will follow me to explore the way." Fu Yan made a prompt decision and took thirteen people with higher levels to form a main military area team and headed forward. .

Approaching the resort, Fuyan and the others saw several cars parked on the roadside outside the resort, and there were faint roars and fighting sounds of zombies inside.

"Everyone, be careful." Fu Yan said seriously. He was about to go in when he was grabbed by others.

"Team Fu, you have a healing power, why don't you wait for us outside?" One of the team members said worriedly, "Team Army, they asked us to protect you. If you get injured, we will be finished."

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