Chapter 11: The captive evil dragon ② (H, the front and back ‍‍‌‌small ‍‍‎holes‌

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Chapter 11: The captive evil dragon ② (H, the front and back ‍‍‌‌small ‍‍‎holes‌‍‍‌‎ are filled)

[What the writer wants to say:]

Stewing meat is really not an easy task QAQ


The next day, Mu Chen led the king's soldiers to the foot of the mountain where Fu Yan was. It was getting dark. Mu Chen asked the soldiers to rest at the foot of the mountain for one night and then go up the mountain during the day tomorrow. He would go to the mountain to explore first. Condition.

Mu Chen looked at the location information Chi Yanyang sent him, curled his lips slightly, and hurried towards the cave.

The sky was completely dark, and the howling of wolves could be heard from time to time in the forest. However, the closer to the dragon's territory, the quieter the surroundings became. Mu Chen quickly found the cave and approached quietly.

"The meat you grilled is burnt!" Fu Yan's slightly disgusted voice came. It turned out that he and Chi Yanyang hunted two rabbits in the mountains to eat, and each of them grilled one, but Chi Yanyang's grilling skills were obvious. failed.

Fu Yan finished half of the rabbit he roasted. When he saw Chi Yanyang looking at him pitifully, holding a black charcoal roast rabbit in his hand, he couldn't help but sigh tiredly and handed over the remaining half: "You can eat the rest."

"Really? Thank you, Xiaoyan!" Chi Yanyang looked touched. He took the roasted rabbit meat and finished it in a few bites.

Fu Yan was about to clean up when he suddenly looked back at the entrance of the cave and shouted coldly: "Who is it!"

"Baby, do you welcome me so warmly?" Mu Chen walked in with a chuckle and greeted the two of them calmly: "Hello, do you mind taking in one more person tonight?"

Why did you find this guy so quickly? Fu Yan curled his lips, glanced at Chi Yanyang, and without saying a word, he rushed forward and started fighting with Mu Chen.

"Prince Idiot, come and help!" Fu Yan and Mu Chen came over to attack, shouted to Chi Yanyang, and the two of them attacked together.

I originally thought that with the help of one more person, I would have a chance to kill Mu Chen, but——

Fu Yan felt the fist wind behind him, and reflexively bent down to avoid Chi Yanyang's sneak attack. He distanced himself from the two of them, looked at Mu Chen and Chi Yanyang standing side by side, and hummed softly, like A proud kitten: "I just feel something is wrong. Do you know each other?"

"What do you think?" Mu Chen curled his lips slightly, did not answer, and rushed forward with Chi Yanyang.

Being surrounded by two people, Fu Yan was quickly defeated. His hands were pressed against the wall of the cave by Chi Yanyang. Mu Chen took out a box from his pocket with a pill in it. He pinched Fu Yan's mouth. He stuffed the pill in and forced the other person to swallow it.

"Yanyan baby, you didn't see me last week, do you miss me?" Mu Chen tied Fu Yan's hands with a rope and asked with a smile, "That guy Lu Linzhi is definitely not as gentle as me."

"...Are you guys in the same group?!" Fu Yan glared at Mu Chen angrily, his cat eyes bright and beautiful.

"Guess again?" Mu Chen kissed Fu Yan's eyelids lovingly, picked him up and walked to the dragon's "bed", which was actually a nest made of some hay.

Chi Yanyang took off his exquisite dress shirt and laid it on the ground, revealing his strong eight-pack abs. His skin color was fairer, and although his abdominal muscles were not as strong as Lu Linzhi and Mu Chen, they looked very even.

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