Chapter 67: The summoned demon is disobedient (Xiaoyan is injured)

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During the break, Fu Yan rubbed his waist and yawned sleepily. He had been tortured by those beasts in the infirmary for a long time yesterday. What made him even more angry was that those guys still refused to forgive him! ! !

It was obvious that he was taking advantage of his soft-heartedness and deliberately took advantage of him! He saw that guy Mu Chen’s proud smile, okay? Oh, forget it, let them do it this time...

At this time, Su Tianzong walked up to him.

"Fu Yan, I have something to tell you. Can you come out with me for a while?" Su Tianzong smiled gently.

Everyone in the classroom looked at them with gossip. After all, everyone could see that Fu Yan liked Su Tianzong in the past.

Ye Qiao's expression remained unchanged, and he clenched his hands slightly, hoping that Su Tianzong could get rid of Fu Yan, a low-level person! It's best for the other party to stop pestering Brother Lu and the others!

Fu Yan thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, let's go."

The two came to the small garden in front of the teaching building. Fu Yan glanced at Lu Linzhi and Mu Chen who were following behind him and only he could see them. He pursed his lips and smiled, looked at Su Tianzong and asked, "So, What do you want to say to me?"

Su Tianzong coughed lightly and said, "Lu Linzhi and Mu Chen didn't come to the game this time, right? Do you know the reason?" He had checked the names of everyone in the school, and there was no Lu Linzhi or Mu Chen. .

Fu Yan: "...I don't know."

"They have been purging their enemies recently, and they will not let go of anyone who has any differences with them." Su Tianzong had a serious look on his face, "Such a stingy man, do you really think they will always treat you? ? Now they are only nice to you because you can heal their mental power. Once you are no longer useful, they will never let you go easily."

Mu Chen grinded his teeth slightly. This guy actually dared to instigate a relationship between them and Baby Yanyan? !

Fu Yan said nothing, only showing hesitation.

Su Tianzong took advantage of the victory and pursued: "I know, you must have heard something about me from Lu Linzhi and the others, but I want to explain to myself that Lu Linzhi and I are captains of different military regions, that is, competition Because my father used to be the captain of Lu Linzhi's military region, they have always been afraid that I would replace them."

"Now you can think about it for yourself, how credible is what they said about me." Su Tianzong looked at Fu Yan sincerely.

Fu Yan lowered his eyes slightly hesitantly and said softly: "Then what do you want to do with me?"

Seeing Fu Yan's hesitation, Su Tianzong felt happy and said seriously: "I didn't want to do anything. I just hope that an excellent player like you won't be hurt by Lu Linzhi and the others in the future. You can follow them." Unbind so they can’t find you.”

"But they are the captains of the military region, so it is easy for them to find me." Fu Yan said worriedly.

"How about you bind me? If you bind me, with my status, they won't dare to touch you easily." Su Tianzong said tentatively, staring at Fu Yan's face.

Lu Linzhi and Mu Chen stared at Su Tianzong with dark eyes, as if they were looking at a corpse. It turned out that his purpose was this...

Fu Yan blinked and suddenly realized: "So you want me to bind you~"

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