Chapter 39: My childhood sweethearts all want me to be their child bride (date,

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Chapter 39: My childhood sweethearts all want me to be their child bride (date, flirt with each other)

[What the writer wants to say:]

Xiao Yan and Xiao Gong's mutual affection is increasing...


On Saturday, Fu Yan opened his eyes in a daze, and he was the only one left in the room. Last night, he was tortured by those men until late at night, and finally fell asleep. He didn't know when they left.

Fu Yan got out of bed with his sore body, washed up and went downstairs to eat the cold breakfast, when the doorbell rang again.

Fu Yan opened the door, and when he saw Lu Linzhi and the others, he wanted to close the door the next second, but Mu Chen forced him in.

"Baby, does your back hurt?" Mu Chen skillfully put his arms around Fu Yan's waist and massaged it gently.

"Well...what do you think? It's all your fault!" Fu Yan hummed, enjoying Mu Chen's massage confidently.

"Auntie and uncle went to play with our parents today. Auntie asked us to take care of you." Ji Shiyu smiled warmly.

"What?! I won't do it today!" Fu Yan immediately looked at them warily.

Mu Chen laughed and winked at Fu Yan: "If we don't do it today, how can we be willing to let the baby be so tired?"

Fu Yan looked at them suspiciously, and he didn't feel relieved until Lu Linzhi said categorically, "I won't do it."

The six of them were doing homework together in the living room. Ji Shiyu looked at Fu Yan doing his homework very seriously and thought that Fu Yan had never been to school before, and judging from Xiao Yan's skills, he was on par with them. He must have been like them before. He also went through a lot of dangerous training, and he may not have experienced the life that ordinary people go through.

"Xiaoyan, do you want to go out to play tomorrow? An amusement park or something." Ji Shiyu asked with a smile.

"Amusement park?" Fu Yan was stunned. He had heard other children talk about it when he was a child, but he had never been there. After being taken away by the organization, he had no chance to go.

"Has Xiaoyan been there? We haven't been there. Can Xiaoyan accompany us?" Ji Shiyu touched Fu Yan's head and asked gently.

"Xiaoyan, let's go on a date at the amusement park!" Chi Yanyang suddenly became excited.

Fu Yan looked at them, his heart warmed slightly, his earlobes were stained with a layer of cherry powder, and he whispered: "Go."

So the next day, a group of people came to the amusement park. Because it was Sunday, there were many people coming to the amusement park. Most of them were families or couples. It was rare for six boys like them to come together. Their outstanding and handsome appearance attracted the attention of many people to them.

Yu Wen frowned slightly. He didn't like crowded environments, and he didn't like being stared at like this.

Fu Yan saw Yu Wen's pale face and touched his head worriedly: "Yu Wen, are you okay? Do you want to go back to the car and rest?"

Yu Wen shook his head slightly, took Fu Yan's hand, kissed it, and whispered, "I want to be with you. I'll ask 'him' to come out to accompany you, and I'll come back after taking a rest."

Fu Yan nodded. He watched Yu Wen close his eyes. After a few seconds, the aura in front of him suddenly changed. Yu Wen opened his eyes and looked at him with a half-smile.

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