Chapter 31: Plot, undercurrent

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Back in the City of Desire, Fu Yan rested for two days, and then went to the bar to hang out with Rong Lu as a habit.

As soon as Rong Lu saw him, her eyes suddenly lit up: "Xiao Yan, you are finally here!"

There are many people in the bar. Now the players in the City of Desire have begun to adapt to life in this city. You can see many people in the central city every day.

Fu Yan ordered small cakes and milk tea with the clerk, and followed Rong Lu into her exclusive rest room. As soon as she sat down, Rong Lu couldn't wait to ask: "Xiao Yan Xiao Yan, how is the world getting along with the big guys?"

Fu Yan fell lazily on the sofa with a pillow in his arms, and Nu Nuzui thought for a while: "It's okay... right?"

They did have a slight change of opinion. Lu Linzhi's piece of wood was so delicious to cook with, and Ji Shiyu, although he was a bit evil-minded, he would protect him...well, he admitted that living with them was quite fun. Well, except for the fact that my waist is a little tired every, it's very tired!

Rong Lu smiled teasingly, and there must be something wrong with Fu Yan's hesitant tone. When they met last week, he angrily recited their shortcomings.

"The Marines seem to have worked very hard these past two days. Several Zerg nests have been destroyed. It seems that thanks to our Xiaoyan, their mental strength has improved so quickly~ right?" Rong Lu winked at Fu Yan. .

"..." Very hard? Wouldn't it mean that the mental loss would increase? And then they're going to have him do it again next week? Fu Yan was facing a formidable enemy, no, he would have to make Lu Linzhi make him lots of delicious food in his next mission to make up for it! ! !

On the other side, Lu Linzhi looked at the message he received on his bracelet. Political minister Ye Lao was cooperating with other ministers to submit an application to the military region, proposing to open a multiplayer game mode.

He frowned slightly. Does this matter have anything to do with the recent frequent appearance of the Zerg?

Lu Linzhi told several other people about the matter. Ji Shiyu was more sensitive to these matters. He calmly pushed his eyes and said: "Zerg have appeared frequently recently. Many people in our army are prone to mental disorder, but the players are limited. The one-on-one healing mode is very slow, so the multiplayer mode they proposed can solve this problem."

Mu Chen's expression gradually became serious as he listened.

Ji Shiyu slightly raised his lips and smiled coldly: "Do you think it's too much of a coincidence?"

Mu Chen nodded: "There must be someone who wants to use the secret to plot something."

After Lu Linzhi listened, he thought about it seriously and said in a deep voice: "I will reject the application for now and let someone check their real reasons. Shi Yu, I leave it to you."

"Okay." Ji Shiyu nodded and agreed.

After the meeting, they each went to the battlefield they were responsible for to exterminate the Zerg. Thanks to their encounter with Fu Yan, they no longer had to deliberately control the use of their mental power. They could kill as much as they wanted and completely destroy the enemy.


"Mr. Ye, Lu Linzhi rejected the application." The assistant of the Ye family was reporting the situation to Mr. Ye.

"I guessed that the boy would not agree easily. A young boy like him still doesn't know how to achieve the greatest benefit. The one-to-one treatment mode is too slow. Now the Zerg are so rampant and so many people in the military region need it. Lu Linzhi will agree to treatment sooner or later." Mr. Ye slowly drank tea, "The most important thing is that in the end, those players are just slaves that we kindly rescued. How can we not contribute more to our interstellar?"

"What about the young master?" The assistant was hesitant. Ye Qiao asked him every day whether Lu Linzhi passed the application.

Mr. Ye thought of his grandson and sighed slightly: "Let me tell him, Ye Qiao is still young after all. It is normal to have illusions about Lu Linzhi and the others. It would be great if we could take this opportunity to let him think clearly about those demons in the military region." Not that easy to get along with.”

Otherwise, after the multiplayer game was opened and Ye Qiao went there, did he still think that those guys in the military region would be nice to him? Even the "Fuyan" that was said in the investigation to be able to cure them was just used by those demons.

However, Ye Qiao didn't take it seriously when he heard it, but he recognized what his grandfather said about "use". Brother Lu and the others only used Fu Yan temporarily, and he was the person that Brother Lu and the others really liked!

Military District 2.

Su Tianzong knew about Lu Linzhi's rejection of the application and was not in a hurry: "Those old guys in the administrative district will definitely not give up so easily. Let's wait and see."

Mr. Ye will definitely continue to exert pressure, forcing Lu Linzhi to agree even if he doesn't agree!

"Hahahahahaha, I'm really looking forward to it!" Su Tianzong looked out the window and laughed to the sky, feeling very happy. "Next, I just need to add a little more fuel to the fire."

Su Tianzong looked at some photos on the table, and it turned out to be Fu Yan's photo, which he had someone secretly take in the City of Desire.

Such a ‎‌beautiful‎‎‌‍‎‍‍‎ could also heal S-level mental power. How could he be willing to let him be tortured by Lu Linzhi and the other demons? Such a person should belong to him!


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