Chapter 68: The summoned demon is disobedient (game ends, Zerg attacks)

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[What the writer wants to say:]

One more game and it’s almost finished! Want to write another story!


Ji Shiyu treated Fu Yan's wounds and gave Fu Yan medicine. Then he felt slightly relieved and looked at Fu Yan who was still unconscious with Chi Yanyang and Yu Wen.

After a while, Lu Linzhi and Mu Chen appeared in the room out of thin air. They went to investigate and returned.

Lu Linzhi looked at Fu Yan and whispered, "Go out and talk."

The five people left the room and came to the living room.

"It's Su Tianzong and Ye Qiao." Lu Linzhi said coldly. With the advantage of being invisible, they happened to see Ye Qiao and Su Tianzong confirm the situation.

Mu Chen chuckled softly, his eyes cold: "Su Tianzong wanted Xiao Yan to bind him two days ago. When he saw Xiao Yan refused, he wanted to take revenge on him. With Su Tianzong's hatred for us, he is likely to Attack Xiaoyan in reality."

"And that annoying Ye Qiao." Chi Yanyang frowned in disgust, "How dare he hurt Xiao Yan?"

"How's the investigation going with Su Tianzong and the Ye family?" Lu Linzhi looked at Ji Shiyu and Yu Wen.

"Xiaoyu lurked into their office two days ago and found out a lot of things about them." Ji Shiyu smiled gently: "I have sorted out all the information and will hand it over to the court when this game is over. .”

"Mu Chen, Yang Yang, don't kill those two people on impulse. It's not too late to kill them when the game is about to end." Ji Shiyu said calmly: "Otherwise, it would be better if they quit the game and run away first. good."

Mu Chen and Chi Yanyang nodded.

In order not to disturb Fu Yan, Lu Linzhi and the others lowered their voices and discussed arrangements and plans to take down Su Tianzong and the Ye family in one fell swoop.


Fu Yan slept for a whole day and night, and finally woke up.

Ji Shiyu checked him and made sure he was fine. He felt completely relieved, gently touched Fu Yan's hair and said, "Don't touch the scars on your arms and face with your hands."

"Yes." Fu Yan nodded obediently, fearing that the men would be angry because of his injury again.

Lu Linzhi brought the food and fed Fu Yan one bite at a time with a serious face.

Fu Yan looked at Lu Linzhi cautiously, then stole a glance at Mu Chen, and even glanced at Chi Yanyang and Yu Wen guiltily. Were they not angry?

Mu Chen looked at Fu Yan's guilty expression as a kitten and felt it was cute and wanted to laugh. He couldn't help but pinch Fu Yan's cheek and said with a low smile: "We are not angry."

"Sorry Xiao Yan, we are the ones implicating you this time." Ji Shiyu told Fu Yan about Su Tianzong and Ye Qiao, "This time we will start taking action after the game ends. You have to be careful this week, Su Tianzong He definitely wants to do something to you, but if he goes to the City of Desire, he won’t be able to get in if you stay at home.”

Fu Yan nodded seriously: "I understand."

"After Su Tianzong and the Ye family are dealt with, how about Xiaoyan moving in with us?" Chi Yanyang looked at Fu Yan expectantly.

Fu Yan was stunned, but before he could answer, Mu Chen nodded in agreement: "I think it's okay, my baby is so good at it, and when the time comes, after he learns how to use his mental power, he can join us~"

Fu Yan imagined living with these people. Apart from feeling that his waist might hurt every day, he also felt some inexplicable expectations in his heart.

However, would using mental power in reality be similar to converting mental power into magic before?

"Don't rush Xiaoyan, let Xiaoyan make his own decision." Ji Shiyu couldn't help but smile gently when he saw Fu Yan thinking tangledly.

Fu Yan looked at the men's expectant eyes and silently kept this matter in his heart.

In the next few days, Lu Linzhi and Mu Chen never left Fu Yan's side as long as they were outside. Su Tianzong and Ye Qiao, whose plan failed, thought they were not exposed and tried several more assassinations, but nothing happened. success.

The game ended. Su Tianzong and Ye Qiao reluctantly quit the game. Su Tianzong was thinking about his next plan. However, his deputy rushed in with a look of panic: "Captain! After receiving the news, Lu Linzhi and the others The army is coming towards us! It seems they want to arrest you!"

"What?!" Su Tianzong was shocked. He quickly turned on his bracelet and sent a message to his ambushing informant. The message the other party replied made him break out in cold sweat - Lu Linzhi and the others had figured out that he was colluding with other planets. Evidence of rebellion!

"Damn it!" Su Tianzong kicked the chair over. If he was caught, he would be finished! Su Tianzong took a deep breath, took the time to destroy some information, and then left quickly with some confidants.

He still has the last and strongest trump card. This time, he will definitely put Lu Linzhi, the others, and that damn Fu Yan to death! ! !

Lu Linzhi and the others divided their forces into two groups. Lu Linzhi and Mu Chen came to capture Su Tianzong and take over his military area. Chi Yanyang and Yu Wen went to the Ye family to arrest people. Ji Shiyu was responsible for handing all the evidence to the court. .

When Lu Linzhi and Mu Chen heard the news of Su Tianzong's escape, they immediately sent people to set up checkpoints at various entrances and exits. They temporarily took over Su Tianzong's second military area, and then led people to search for Su Tianzong's whereabouts.

The next day, Su Tianzong had not been caught yet, and Mr. Ye, who had been very calm even after being caught, could no longer hide his panic with a livid face when he saw the evidence that he had hidden well; and Ye Qiao, I begged pitifully to see Lu Linzhi and the others, but unfortunately no one paid him any attention.

While everyone was searching Su Tianzong, suddenly, the main planet detected a large number of Zerg attacking towards them! Moreover, several nearby planets have also detected Zerg invasion.

Why are the Zerg coming again? Lu Linzhi frowned slightly and decisively ordered the planet's guard army to continue searching. They led their teams to kill the Zerg.

This time the Zerg came in force, but strangely, the Zerg did not attack continuously as before. As if someone commanded them, they attacked and then withdrew several times.

"There is a problem with this Zerg attack." Lu Linzhi sent a message.

"I think so too. Let me see if there is any movement elsewhere." Ji Shiyu checked various information on the system.

"It feels like these Zerg are holding us back." Mu Chen frowned slightly and touched the sniper rifle in his hand.

What's the use of holding them back at this point in time? Don't let them search Su Tianzong? But why would the Zerg help Su Tianzong? If it is really because of Su Tianzong, then these damn bugs keep harassing and delaying time just to allow Su Tianzong to escape, and Su Tianzong’s goal after escaping...

"Xiaoyan is in danger!" They thought of this possibility almost at the same time.

The safety of various planets and the safety of Xiaoyan, two options were placed in front of them.

They can come up with the answer without thinking.

For others, they may have to give up one or the other, but for Lu Linzhi and the others, it is not a choice between the two, but both.

"Destroy all the Zerg. This time, even if they retreat, we will chase them to the end!" Lu Linzhi's eyes were sharp as he led his men towards the incoming Zerg.


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