Chapter 58: The healing apocalyptic villain (leave and build a survivor base)

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[What the writer wants to say:]

Next chapter, eating meat beautifully again


The next day, Fu Yan was woken up by a noise. He got up and cleaned himself up. The noise outside was getting closer and closer. Fu Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, already guessing that it must be related to him.

Fu Yan opened the door, and there were still people outside, led by Shi Guangqi, who doubted Fu Yan.

"What happened again?" Fu Yan asked calmly without being nervous at all.

"A few more people suddenly became sicker! They all said they felt uncomfortable after being treated by you before!"

"Sure enough, he should be driven away. Those people didn't believe him last time. He must have done something to them secretly! He will attack us next time!"

"It has nothing to do with me." Fu Yan tugged at the corner of his mouth indifferently, his emotionless eyes scanning everyone in front of him, "If I want to do anything to you, why bother? I can just... kill you~"

"He also wants to kill us! How cruel! Like father, like son. Neither father nor son are good people!"

Everyone immediately exploded, shouting angrily that they would drive Fu Yan away and not let him enter the base.

Gao Lingfeng and Xu Chenxing looked angry: "There is nothing wrong with Fuyan's superpowers. Many of you were saved by Fuyan! Aren't you ashamed?!"

However, their words had no effect at all. Shi Guangqi secretly glanced at Lu Linzhi and his group in the far corner. As long as they spoke, Fu Yan would definitely be driven away.

Ye Qiao stood next to Lu Linzhi and the others, and said weakly and worriedly: "Brother Lu, if there is really a problem with Fu Yan's mental power, wouldn't it be dangerous for you to have been treated by him? Just in case, you should try another one. Let someone treat the mental damage..."

Lu Linzhi glanced at Ye Qiao indifferently, his dark eyes filled with warning, and then looked attentively at the young man not far away.

Fu Yan was a little bored. He really didn't like to get along with so many people. He would always encounter a lot of trouble... It was better for the killer to be alone. Since they all said he was a bad guy, he might as well just sit back and let it go~ Especially after abandoning him in the first place and now Here again he took the lead in driving away his men.

"Everyone, calm down!" Suddenly, Su Tianzong's voice came from behind everyone, and they saw him walking in holding a man with a bruised nose and face.

"What's wrong?" Everyone looked at Su Tianzong with some confusion.

"When I was keeping watch early this morning, I heard something moving upstairs, and then I found this man in the room of several seriously ill superpowers. He made the wounds of those people even more serious. I Went in to stop him, and he ran away, and I just caught him."

Su Tianzong kicked the man to the ground, "Say! What did you do to them?!"

Lu Linzhi and the others looked at each other, feeling faintly unhappy. It seemed that Su Tianzong wanted to get close to Xiaoyan...

Fu Yan looked at Su Tianzong, who had a righteous look on his face, and leaned against the wall leisurely, waiting to watch the show.

"Yes, I'm sorry! It's my fault that their condition worsened..." The man with a bruised nose and face begged for mercy in fear, "My family members turned into zombies and died, so after I found out that Fu Yan was Fu Rui's son, I... Want to take revenge on him..."

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