Chapter 77: The idol who was fucked by fans (H, memory recovery, Xiaoyan's reven

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Chapter 77: The idol who was fucked by fans (H, memory recovery, Xiaoyan’s revenge)

[What the writer wants to say:]

Xiaoyan is making people hot hhhh It’s almost time to go to work. Sisters, let’s have a nice meal for everyone.


Fu Yan opened his eyes. He had returned to his bed at home. The sunlight outside had shone through the window and shone warmly on the floor.

Yesterday in the lounge, I was tormented by those guys for a long time...and!

Fu Yan grinded his teeth slightly angrily. The things he couldn't remember some time ago must be their fault, right? !

Fu Yan's memory came back, and the function of temporarily sealing the memory has been turned off.

"Xiaoyan~ are you awake?" The door opened quietly and Chi Yanyang poked his head in. Seeing that Fu Yan was awake, he immediately pounced on him like a big dog.

"Yangyang, you've had a lot of fun during this period~" Fu Yan pinched Chi Yanyang's cheek and said with a smile.

"Xiao, Xiaoyan..." When Chi Yanyang heard this title, he immediately realized that Fu Yan had recovered his memory, "It was Brother Mu Chen's idea... I'm sorry, I was wrong..."

Fu Yan looked at Chi Yanyang's deliberately pitiful look, hummed and turned away. He would never be so soft-hearted and easily forgive them again!

Fu Yan came to the living room, and Lu Linzhi had just finished making breakfast. Fu Yan drove the men out mercilessly, "Take your breakfast and go back to the next door!"

"Baby, don't be angry. Being angry is not good for your health." Mu Chen looked deeply worried.

Fu Yan glanced at him sideways, Mu Chen was the most evil-minded guy!

"You are the initiator, and you still have the nerve to tell me not to be angry?"

"Ah, are you exposed?" Mu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, chuckled, and picked up his breakfast. He felt regretful that he could not stay and continue teasing Fuyan Kitty. Before leaving, he teased her a little: "Baby, you are really good." Well, even if you are angry, you are not willing to let us starve~"

"...Get out of here!" Fu Yan glared at Mu Chen, and the man deliberately pretended to be pitiful and scared and left obediently.

"Remember to have breakfast." Ji Shiyu warned gently, then followed everyone back to the next door room with a smile.

While Fu Yan was eating breakfast, he was thinking about how he had been "played" by those guys for so long without any memory some time ago. The more he thought about it, the more unconvinced he became, and he wanted to take revenge! ! !

A few days later, in the evening, Lu Linzhi and the others knocked on Fu Yan's door again, trying to apologize for the nth time. (Lu Linzhi stopped by to cook dinner for Fu Yan)

This time, Fu Yan let them in.

"Xiao Yan, we were wrong. We shouldn't have secretly sealed your memory. I'm sorry..." Chi Yanyang looked at Fu Yan pitifully. If he had two ears like a dog, they would have drooped down in grievance at this time. .

"Xiao Yan, we have already taught Mu Chen a lesson. If you want to hit him, you are welcome." Ji Shiyu said warmly.

"Baby..." Mu Chen apologized sincerely, "You can punish me however you want, don't be angry, okay?" He hadn't been able to hug and kiss his Yanyan baby for several days!

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