Chapter 48: The pampered fake young master (‌‎‎‍色‌‎temptation‎‍‌‎‌, birthday gif

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Chapter 48: The pampered fake young master (‌‎‎‍色‌‎temptation‎‍‌‎‌, birthday gift, with H)

[What the writer wants to say:]

I'm coming! Let us bless those who are seeking death and engaging in erotic‎‍‌‌seductive little words~

(I cough a little today, but I’m still in good spirits hahh)


In the evening, everyone returned home one after another, and the housekeeper quickly asked the servants to bring the prepared meals.

"Butler, please go and ask Xiaoyan and the others to come over for dinner." Ji Shiyu said to the butler.

"Yes." The housekeeper walked to the living room and saw Fu Yan sitting in Chi Yanyang's arms watching TV series. Yu Wen was also sitting next to him playing with his mobile phone. He suddenly doubted his own eyes. Yesterday, the atmosphere between Master Fu and other young masters was not so good. Weird, why are we on such good terms today?

And next at the dining table, the housekeeper watched them chatting and laughing while eating, and even showed a shocked expression along with the servants. After all, he had the impression that their family ate in a quiet and serious atmosphere.

After dinner, Lu Linzhi did not go to the study to work. Instead, he was in the living room with others. Everyone was doing their own things while watching TV with Fu Yan.

"When will Xiaoyan live with us? Come to my room then. There is a big screen in my room where you can play games and watch TV dramas for you~" Chi Yanyang buried his face in Fu Yan's shoulder and rubbed it. Rub, he muttered softly.

"Xiaoyan, let's install a bigger screen for you in the living room. How about setting up a small cinema?" Ji Shiyu thought seriously and planned to go back and make arrangements after the game.

"Okay." Lu Linzhi said concisely and solemnly, nodding in agreement.

"Then where should I arrange the baby's room?" Mu Chen asked with interest.

"There are still two or three empty rooms. Let Xiaoyan choose the one he likes then~" Chi Yanyang said enthusiastically, already looking forward to the day when Fuyan would move in with them.

Fu Yan raised his eyebrows, rubbed Chi Yanyang's face, and said, "When did I agree to live with you? I'm living well in the City of Desire now, and there are many places I haven't gone to yet. Playing."

Upon hearing this, Chi Yanyang let Fu Yan ravage him dejectedly. He pitifully asked Fu Yan how he could change his mind, but was rejected by the "cold and ruthless" Fu Yan.

After watching the TV series, Fu Yan gave everyone else a good night kiss, then went back to his room to take a shower and go to bed. Before falling asleep, Fu Yan thought about the gifts he planned to prepare tomorrow and couldn't help but look forward to the reactions of Lu Linzhi and others. .

The next day, Fu Yan finished his class in the morning and asked the driver to take him to a nearby shopping mall. As soon as he got off the car, he went straight to a store. After a while, he came out with a beautiful shopping bag containing a black shopping bag. gift box; then Fu Yan stopped by to pick up the cake he ordered last night and go home.

During dinner in the evening, Fu Yan asked the butler to bring out the cake. Seeing Lu Linzhi's slightly surprised eyes, he couldn't help but stick out his tongue and said with a smile: "Happy birthday! Although you don't want to celebrate this birthday, it just happened to happen to you. Well, it’s not bad to celebrate~”

The main reason is that he also wants to eat cake. Hehe~ Fu Yan saw Lu Linzhi giving him the cake with the most fruit, and he suddenly smiled happily, and his dimples were so deep that they seemed to be able to ooze honey.

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